15.2.1. Calculation

The user can set parameter and compute the ERP.


Figure 15.2 Calculation dialog box

  • Radiation Loss Factor (RLF): The default is 1.0.

  • Sound Velocity (C): The default is 340,000 mm/s.

  • Air Density (RHO): The default is 1.293e-9 kg/mm^3.

  • Sampling Frequency: The default is 100 Hz. The Sampling Frequency is used for the scope data. If the Sampling Frequency is used 1000 Hz, then the sampling time is set with 1.0/1000=0.001 s. Therefore, the computed time interval is defined as the 0.001s for the scope data.

  • Patch Set: Selects some patch sets any flexible (FFlex and/or RFlex) bodies.

    • Add/Remove: Adds and removes some patch sets.

    • Add Row: Adds a row for adding a patch set.

    • Delete Row: Deletes a row for remove a patch set.

    • Modal ERP: Accesses the Mode Selection dialog box as shown in the below figure. If the selected Patch Set belongs to the RFlex, the user can select modes to calculate a Modal ERP. The selected modes applies equally to all Patch Sets that belong to the same RFlex body


      Figure 15.3 Mode Selection dialog box

  • Simulation Time: Selects number of animation frames.

    • Start Frame and End Frame: Sets start animation frame and end animation frame with a slider control.

    • Time: Shows simulation time each selected the Start Frame and End Frame.

    • Frame: Sets frame number. (A natural number is available.)

  • Output Files Options : Accesses the Output Files dialog box as shown in the below figure. The user can select data precision of *.ARD file and *.AMMX file(Single/Double). And the user can use option to delete *.ERP file after making output files.


    Figure 15.4 Output Files dialog box


    After using Delete ERP File after Making Output Files option, the Making Output Files function cannot be used.

  • Base Directory: Shows the base directory which has animation data and target directory for generating results files. Acoustics toolkit generates following files.

    • ACS file: has scope data (raw data).

    • ERP file: has ERP data (raw data).

    • ARD file: has a ERP contour data on a flexible body.

    • AMMX file: has a Min. and Max. ERP data for contour on a flexible body.

    The Acoustics result files should exist on the base direction.

  • Base Name: Sets result name. The Base Name is a model name.

  • Import: If previous calculated Acoustics result exists, then the Acoustics Result List dialog shows available list. The user selects a previous calculated Acoustics result. Note that the user should have previously selected the Patch-Set used at the time of the calculation of the selected result.


    Figure 15.5 Acoustics Result List dialog box

  • Making Output Files: Calculates *.ARD and *.AMMX Files by using *.ERP File.

  • Calculation: Calculates Acoustics results. And the calculated result is imported. If the base name exists in the base directory, then the results are changed with latest parameters.