RecurDyn/Tire (Modifying RMD File)

RecurDyn Linux solver supports only GTire Entity (UA, FTire), but MF-Tire of Gtire is excluded in Linux System. To simulate a Gtire model, related files (*.RMD, *.RDF, *.TIR) are required.

To run a RecurDyn Gtire model in Linux

  • Please refer to the RecurDyn Manual of Windows for a general overview of RecurDyn/Tire.

  • To run a RecurDyn simulation in Linux

    • A model (*.RMD) should first be created in the RecurDyn GUI in Windows.

    • The user should copy the related files (*.RMD, *.RDF, *.TIR) into the Linux system.

    • Then the RecurDyn Linux solver can execute the simulation using the data file as input.

  • model (*.RMD) should be changed in Linux.

    • For RecurDyn in Linux, the user should manually change the data in Tire and Road block of the *.rmd file as below.

      !=================== GenericTire Force ============================
      !                         RecurDyn_Data_Name='GTireGroup1Force'
      TIRE / 1
      , NAME = 'GTireGroup1Force'
      , IMARKER = 39
      , MODEL = RD-USER
      , TPF = tire_files//RD_User.tir
      , …
      !================== Generic Road Data  ===========================
      !                         RecurDyn_Data_Name='GRoad1'
      , NAME = 'road.GRoad1'
      , ROAD = road_files//Road.rdf
    • For User GTire Model in Linux, the user should manually modify the data of “USUB_DLL” of the *.tir file as below.

      USUB_DLL = '.\GtireUserSubroutine.dll'
    • For GTire Model in Linux, the user should manually modify as below.

      • The value of each path should be set with the relative path which is defined by user.

      • The backslash (”") of path in the file should be changed to a forward slash (“/”).

        !=================== GenericTire Force ============================
        !                         RecurDyn_Data_Name='GTireGroup1Force'
        TIRE / 1
        , NAME = 'GTireGroup1Force'
        , IMARKER = 39
        , MODEL = RD-USER
        , TPF = tire_files\RD_User.tir  !The backslash(“/”) in path need to be modified into the forward slash(“\”) in linux system.
        , …
        !================== Generic Road Data  ===========================
        !                         RecurDyn_Data_Name='GRoad1'
        GENERICROAD / 1
        , NAME = 'road.GRoad1'
        , REFERENCEMARKER = 14
        , ROAD = road_files\GRoad.rdf   !The backslash(“/”) in path need to be modified into the forward slash(“\”) in linux system.
      • For User GTire Model in Linux, the user should manually modify the data of “USUB_DLL” of the *.tir file as below.

        USUB_DLL = './DllFunc_gtire_force.so'   $The value of each path should be set with the relative path which is defined by user.