Rate Limiter

The Rate Limit block limits the rate of change of a signal. The rate of change is calculated by


\(u\) is the input signal
\(y\) is the output signal
\(t_i\) is the current simulation time step
\(t_{i-1}\) is the previous simulation time step.
If rate is between the Rising rate parameter and the Falling rate parameter, the output signal is equal to the input signal.
If rate is greater than the Rising rate parameter, the output signal is calculated by

\(y_i=\Delta t \cdot R+y_{i-1}\)


\(R\) is the Rising rate parameter.

If rate is less than the Falling rate parameter, the output signal is calculated by

\(y_i=\Delta t \cdot F+y_{i-1}\)


\(F\) is the Falling rate parameter.

Dialog box


Figure 20.115 Rate Limiter dialog box

Table 20.57 Parameters



Rising rate

Enter the upper rate limit.

Falling rate

Enter the lower rate limit.

Initial condition

Enter the initial output signal

Sample time

Enter the time interval between samples. Example

We can test the Rate Limiter block with the CoLink model shown in the below figure The Sine block is configured to a frequency of 1rad/sec and an amplitude of 3. The Rate Limiter block Rising rate is set to 1 and Falling rate is set to -1. Initial Condition is set to 1. Set solver type to Fixed-Step, discrete (no continuous states), and let End time be 10.


Figure 20.116 CoLink model


Figure 20.117 A result from scope