8.3. Home

This tab contains useful features when the series is drawn in the plot window.







Imports data files (*.dat; *.txt; *.rplt; *.fplt, *.chnk; *.csv;), Media files (*.avi; *.mp4; *.mkv; *.wmv), RecurDyn Model files (*.rdx; *.rdyn), RecurDyn Animation file (*.ran) or All files(*.*) into the current file.

Export Data

Export a data to a file with the Export Data Window. For more information, click here.

Export Curve

Export a curve data to a file. To export the curve data, select series in chart or the Model Database Window and click this menu. The export option can be set from the Options in the File menu. For more information, click here.

Export Image

Export a model, plot, animation, and media images.

Convert to Chunk

If the rplt (RecurDyn/Plot file) have many components and the number of data are huge, the draw performance would be pool. Because when getting data from plot data, the read data speed performance depends on file size and number of components. The Chunk file can improve this performance issue for big size and large components of rplt file.


Add Plot

Add a new plot window.

Add Side

Add a new plot window to top, bottom, left, and right.


3D Draw

Open the 3D Draw Window. For more information, click here.

Compare Data

Draw additional series data with the selected data file in the Datafile Database Window.

Change Data

Change the series data with the selected data file in the Datafile Database window.

Preview Mode

Use Preview Mode. While this function is activated, only one curve is drawn.

At Same Unit

Draw series to the axis with the same unit.

At Current Axis

Draw series to the current axis.

At New Axis

Draw series when creating the new axis.


Series Info

Open the Series Information Window. For more information, click here.


First Frame

Move to the first frame.

Fast Inverse Play

Move the animation fast backwards.

Decrease One Frame

Move the animation one frame backwards.

Inverse Play

Play the animation backwards.


Stop the animation.


Play the animation.


Pause the current animation.

Increase One Frame

Move the animation one frame

Fast Play

Play the animation fast.

End Frame

Move to the end fame.

Animation Bar

Control the frame with a bar.

Current Frame

Show the current frame.

Enable Timeline

Enable the timeline on the animation.

Animation Control Settings

Open properties of Model to define several settings for Animation Control. For more information, click here.


Open Recording dialog. The recording dialog is similar with RecurDyn Recording. For more information, click here.

Reload Last Animation File

Import last RecurDyn animation file (.ran) of the active animation.


Model Database Window

Open a window that contains information about the axes and series of the model.

Datafile Database Window

Open a window that contains information about the imported files.

Script Database Window

Open a window that contains information about the script database.

Script Editor Window

Open a window that you can edit the script.

Script Console Window

Open a window where you can perform the script console operations.

Output Window

Open a window that show the progress of the current model.

Properties Window

Open a window that show the properties.

Data Table Window

Open a window that show the data table.


Setting Manager

Define the settings of the current plot. And it can be imported, exported, set as default, and reset.


Supported RecurDyn Model Features

  • Visual: Professional Bodies / Flex Bodies (node only except patch/node/element/line set, output, BC etc) / General Subsystem

  • Contour: Rigid Body Contact Contour / Flex Body Contour (except contact pressure)

  • Force Display features: Force/Torque Color, Scale, Width…

  • Animation: Dynamic Analysis Animation