24.13.4. Tension Sensor

This sensor has a mother body, a center position, and a range.


Figure 24.116 Tension Sensor

As shown in Figure 24.116, if a sheet body passes within the range of the sensor, the sensor output can be computed from the following equation.

\(\begin{aligned} & {{{{F}'}}_{c}}={{A}_{c}}^{T}{{F}_{c}} \\ & {{{{F}'}}_{c}}=\left[ \begin{matrix} {{{{f}'}}_{x}} & {{{{f}'}}_{y}} & {{{{f}'}}_{z}} \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ & {{f}_{o}}={{{{f}'}}_{x}} \\ \end{aligned}\)

\({{f}_{o}}\): a tension force and the result of the tension sensor. If the sheet body has an acting compressive force, the result of the tension sensor is a negative value. If the sheet body has an acting tension force, the result of the tension sensor is a positive value.
\(F_{c}'\): the local reaction force of the closest position of Revolute Joint in the range of the sensor.
\(F_{c}\): the global reaction force of the closest position of Revolute Joint in the range of the sensor.
\(A_{c}\): the reference frame of the closest position of Sheet Segments in the range of the sensor. Modeling Options

The user can create a tension sensor as follows.

  • Point, Distance

    • Point: Selects a point on a body to define the center of tension sensor.

    • Distance: Defines a range of region to measure output.

  • Body, Point, Distance

    • Body: Selects a body to define the parent body of tension sensor.

    • Point: Selects a point on a body to define the center of tension sensor.

    • Distance: Defines a range of region to measure output.

  • FixedRollerGroup, Direction, Distance, Distance

  • FixedRollerGroup, MovableRollerGroup, Distance, Distance Properties

The properties dialog box of the Tension Sensor has two tabs.


Figure 24.117 Tension Sensor property page

  • Mother Body: Defines the body on which the Tension Sensor is fixed.

  • Sensed Entity: Defines the sensed entity by the Tension Sensor of MTT2D.

    • If MTT2DAssembly is set, all sheets defined in the assembly become a sensing target.

    • If a sheet body is set, only the sheet becomes a sensing target.

  • Position: Defines the center point of Tension Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Point.

  • Range: Defines the detecting range of Tension Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Value.

  • Color: Allows selecting the graphic color of Tension Sensor.