RFlex Page

This page provides some options for an RFlex model.


Figure 3.100 Flexibility dialog box [RFlex]

  • Max No. of Markers to Create on Interface Nodes

    • This option is a limitation about the number of creating markers of the interface node. If the interface nodes of a RFlex body is more than the maximum values then the number of creating markers is up to the max value after RFI import.

    • The default value is 100 and the value must be a natural number or zero.

  • Automatic Output for Markers

    • If this option is checked, the Output of RFlex body is created automatically if an RFlex body has Markers. The nearest Node from the Marker is defined as the Output.

  • Mass Invariant: There are three options Partial, Full, and Depends on Body Setting. The default is Full.

    • If Partial option is selected, then the Invariant Variables N4 (\({{\mathbf{\zeta }}_{6}}\)) and N6 (\({{\mathbf{\zeta }}_{8}}\)) related in the Mass matrix of a RFlex body are not computed for solving speed improvement.

    • If Full option is selected, then the all Invariant Variables are used for computing the Mass matrix.

    • If Depends on Body Setting is selected, the Partial or Full option depends on their setting in the RFlex body property page.

  • RFlex Joint in Advanced Connection: Redundant checking option can be specified separately for RFlex Enhanced Virtual Joint. It is functionally equivalent to the Check Redundant function in the Simulation/General page.

    • Once: Checks redundant constraints just only once at the early stage of the analysis. (This option is the default.)

    • Sync.: Use the same option status as the Check Redundant function in the Simulation/General tab.