5.2.1. Property Parameter Page


Figure 5.10 Static Analysis dialog box [Parameter]

  • End Time: Defines the end time of the simulation.

  • Step: Defines the number of data sets for reporting and determines step size of the simulation.

    • For example, if the End Time is 10 seconds and the Step is 10, static analysis is carried out ten times at intervals of 1 second for 10 seconds.

  • Error: Defines the criterion of convergence.

  • Maximum Iteration: Defines the maximum number of iterations of the Newton method.

  • Solver Type: Selects the solver type. RecurDyn supports two methods for solving static problems: N-R and Robust N-R.

    • N-R: Uses the Newton-Raphson iteration and covers MBD and MFBD.


      Figure 5.11 Static Analysis dialog box [N-R]

      • Translational Move Limit: Defines the move limit for each translational degree of freedom (DOF) for one iteration.

      • Rotational Move Limit: Defines the move limit for each rotational DOF for one iteration. The unit is degrees.

    • Robust N-R: Uses the Newton-Raphson iteration with a stabilizer that handles dynamic effects and covers MBD, MFBD, Belt, Chain, and Track.


      Figure 5.12 Static Analysis dialog box [Robust N-R]

      • Initial Step Size: In Robust N-R, it defines the initial step size that can initially control the magnitude of variation of generalized coordinates to approach the contact point. As the value of the initial step size is small, it takes a long time for convergence. If you increase this value in the stable range, you can get the equilibrium positions in a shorter time.

      • Maximum Step Size: Defines the maximum step size of the integrator during the simulation.

      • Step Size Factor: In Robust N-R, it defines the step size factor that is the variation of the step size. As the value of step size factor is big, the step size can change largely.

  • Output File Name

    • If this option is checked, it allows defining the model output file name before the simulation.

    • If this option is not checked, the output file name is the file name. (The default is unchecked.)

  • Include State Matrix: If this option is checked, a state matrix is created upon completion of a static analysis. When the Include State Matrix is also selected in the Frequency Response Analysis dialog box, then this option is ignored and the state matrix of Frequency Response Analysis is reported. For more information, refer to State Matrix.

  • Frequency Response Analysis: If this option is checked, a frequency response analysis is performed upon completion of a static analysis. For more information, refer to Frequency Response Analysis.

  • Show Static Animation: If this option is checked, default animation displayed is iteration result.

  • Hide RecurDyn during Simulation: If this option is checked, the RecurDyn program window is hidden during the simulation. This allows for faster analysis. By clicking the right mouse button on the RecurDyn icon at the tray, the user can stop the simulation or activate the RecurDyn main window.

  • Display Animation: If this option is checked, an animation is displayed during the simulation process.

  • Unit: Shows the using unit in the current model.

  • Export RSS: Exports the RSS file as the current option.


If the system includes a Belt, Chain, or Track subsystem, RecurDyn supports only Robust N-R.