25.2.2. Output Page

This page selects nodes to output calculated values. Sheet Shell supported in RecurDyn/MTT3D is using this page.


Figure 25.7 Sheet shell property page [Output page]

  • Output: The outputs of selected nodes are shown in Scope and Plot.

    • No: Shows the index of nodes.

    • Check Option: If this option is checked, outputs are plotted.

    • Name: Defines the name of nodes belongs to the sheet shell.

    • SC: Determines Scope of each node. Refer to Scope Entity.

  • Selection by Simple Rule: Allows the user to open the Selection dialog box to support a simple rule selecting many sheet bodies at the same time.


    Figure 25.8 Selection dialog box

    \(N_{selection} = N_{start} + \Delta * (i-1) ,i=1,...,n\)

    • Initialize before Update: If this button is checked and click the Update, only the check boxes of sheet bodies selected by user-defined rule are activated. Or not, the check boxes of pre-selected sheet bodies and sheet bodies selected by user-defined rule are activated.

    • Start Index: Shows the starting index in the simple rule.

    • Increment in Index: Shows the increment of index in the simple rule.

    • Number of Selection: Shows the number of selected sheet bodies in the simple rule.

  • All/Nothing: The check boxes of all nodes in the list are activated or deactivated.

  • Add + Navigation: If the user selects the Add option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and an output is applied on the nodes.

  • Remove + Navigation: If the user selects the Remove option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and an output is not applied on the nodes.

  • Add or Remove + Navigation: If the user selects the Add or Remove option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and a boundary condition is applied or not on the nodes.

  • Orientation Reference Frame: If the user selects Node option, then the orientation reference frame of the Boundary Condition is set with each node. If the user selects Inertia Marker, then the orientation reference frame of the Boundary Condition is set with Ground.Inertia Marker of the current system. Default is Node.