8.4.2. Analysis

You can modify drawn data with these functions.

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) is a mathematical algorithm that takes a t ime-domain data and maps it into its frequency-domain.



Refresh the properties

FFT Type

Type of FFT: Magnitude, Phase, PSD (Power Spectral Density).

Source Series

Select series used in FFT analysis.

Add to New Plot

If check, draw series to the new plot window. If no, draw series to the current plot window.

Add to Database

If check, add result data to database window.

Series Name

Set series name.

Window Method

Window Method Type: Square, Bartlett, Welch, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman.

Number of Points

Type for number of points: Auto, 2^n


Number n used in 2^n.

X-Axis Region

Region of axis: Entire Region, Specified Region.


Minimum x value.


Maximum x value.

Run Function

Run Function.

Filter can remove or emphasize the curve data with the specific region of time signal. Two methods are supplied for filtering. One is a transfer function. The other is a Butterworth filter.



Refresh the properties

Filter Type

Type of Filer: Transfer Function, Butter Worth.

Source Series

Select series used in simple math analysis.

Add to New Plot

If check, draw series to the new plot window. If no, draw series to the current plot window.

Add to Database

If check, add result data to database window.

Series Name

Set series name.


Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Band Stop


Set the order


Set the cut off frequency (Hz).

Low Cutoff

Set the low cut off frequency (Hz).

High Cutoff

Set the high cut off frequency (Hz).


Set the numerator.


Set the denominator.

Run Function

Run Function.

Math has four arithmetic operations can be performed between curve data.



Refresh the properties.

Math Type

Type of Math: Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide.

Source Series1

Select series user in simple math.

Source Series2

Select series used in simple math.

Add to New Plot

If check, draw series to the new plot window. If no, draw series to the current plot window.

Add to Database

If check, add result data to database window.

Series Name

Set series name.

Run Function

Run Function.