Arc Extrusion Surface

It allows the user to create an arc-extrusion surface for defining Sphere To Arc Extrusion Contact easily. Modeling Options

The user can create a surface geometry by the following procedure.

  • Point, Direction, Point, Angle, Distance

    • Point: Selects a point to define the arc center.

    • Direction: Defines an axis direction for generating the arc.

    • Point: Selects a point to define the starting point of the arc. It is the information on the arc radius.

    • Angle: Defines an angle of the arc.

    • Distance: Defines the distance of the extruding length. Properties

The user can modify the geometry information using the Arc Extrusion Geometry property page.


Figure 6.66 Arc Extrusion Surface property page

  • Arc Radius: Defines the radius of the arc.

  • Arc Angle: Defines an angle of the arc.

  • Extrusion Depth: Defines the extruding depth of the arc.


Figure 6.67 Dimensions