MAT (Mechanical Auto Tensioner)_Ratchet Type


Figure 36.45 Connectivity of MAT_Ratchet

Click Geometry of Tensioner in Component Builder dialog box. The following dialog box can appear.


Figure 36.46 Group Tensioner MAT Ratchet property page [Group Mechanical AT Ratchet Property page]

  • Contact Shape: Three Shape Types for the contact between a tensioner and a tensioner guide.


    Figure 36.47 Contact Shape Property dialog box

    • Shape Type: Selects a shape type.

      • Plane Circle Type

      • Cylinder Type

      • Sphere Type

    • Thickness: Defines the thickness of the geometry for contact.

    • Diameter: Defines the diameter of the geometry for contact.

  • TSDA: Defines the property between Case and Plunger as a translational force. For more information, refer to Translational Force.


    Figure 36.48 TSDA Property dialog box

  • Joint Property: Defines the property between Case and Plunger as a translational joint.


    Figure 36.49 Joint Empirical Property dialog box

  • OneWay Force Property

    The principal of one way force is as follows.


    Figure 36.50 The principal of One Way Force

Group Mechanical AT Ratchet Geometry


Figure 36.51 Group Tensioner MAT Ratchet property page [Group Mechanical AT Ratchet Geometry page]

  • Ref Parametric Marker

  • Case

    • Outer Diameter

    • Inner Diameter

    • Length

    • Bottom Thickness

    • Length for bottom

  • Plunger

    • Length

    • Set Length

  • Use half graphic option

  • Each Rendering: The selected mode can be displayed in Each Render mode.