A cvcv joint can do modeling a continuous contact model between two curves. It has the rotation degrees of freedom as the constrained point. Modeling Options

The user can create a joint entity as follows.

  • Curve, Curve, Point

    • Curve: Selects a base curve.

    • Curve: Selects an action curve.

    • Point: Selects a point to define the location of cvcv joint. Properties

The user can define initial conditions and friction force using the Joint page.


Figure 6.233 CVCV property page [Joint page]

  • Type: Shows the type of joint.

  • Curve: The two curves must be in the same plane. If two curves are straight lines, an error occurs because plane normal cannot be obtained. (Error code: C000917)

  • Curve: Changes the curve by using Cv.

  • Preview for Curve Segment: Shows the segments of the curve by clicking Preview.

  • Setting for Curve Segments: Access Base Curve Segment dialog box. For more information, click here.

  • Initial Conditions

    • Position: Changes the initial point position on the curve.

    • Tangential velocity: Tangential velocity along the curve is defined.

  • Friction

    • Include Friction: If this option is checked, the friction force can be defined for the cvcv joint. Only the Sliding type is supported. For more information, click here.

  • Force Display: Displays the resultant force vector graphically on Working Window.