
The Sine block outputs a sine wave signal of:

  • Time-based type

  • Sample-based type

The time-based type cosine wave is defined by the following equation.

\(y={Amp} \cdot \sin {\left( t \cdot Frequency + Phase \right)}+{Bias}\)

The sample-based type cosine wave is defined by the following equation.

\({y}={Amp} \cdot \sin {\left( 2 \pi \cdot \left( \frac{t}{S_{period} \cdot t_{Sample}}+\frac{N_{offset}}{S_{Period}} \right) \right)}+{Bias}\)

\(t\) is the simulation time
\(y\) is the output.

Dialog box


Figure 20.46 Sine dialog box

Table 20.14 Parameters



Sine Type

Select an option as Time-based or Sample-based.


Enter the amplitude of sine wave.


Enter the offset value of sine wave.

Frequency (rad/sec)

Enter the frequency of time-based sine wave.

Phase (rad)

Enter the phase angle of time-based sine wave.

Samples perPeriod


Enter the Number of samples per period of the sample-based sine wave.

Number of Offset Samples


Enter the discrete phase offset in the number of sample times for the sample-based sine wave.

Sample Time


Enter the time interval between samples

  • If the sine type is time-based and the sample time is zero, the block outputs continuous signal of cosine wave.

  • If the cosine type is time-based and the sample time is greater than zero, the block outputs discrete signal of cosine wave.

  • If the sine type is sample-based, the sample time must be greater than zero.