5.17. Error Code List in RecurDyn/Solver


Error Message



The simulation terminated because the current step size is too small (%-16e).

The simulation stopped when the current step size was smaller than 1.e-16 due to a large force generated during the analysis in Rigid models.


Linear solver factorization failed.

If the mass or constraint is not correct, LU factorization for the linear solver failed in Rigid models.


Acceleration analysis failed to converge.


FFlex bodies cannot be used in Eigenvalue analysis.

Eigenvalue analysis is not supported in FFlex models.


Eigenvalue analysis failed because the number of eigenvalues is zero.

The number of eigenvalues obtained was 0 after performing Eigenvalue analysis.


FRA can only be used once during a simulation.

Although FRA cannot be performed multiple times during the simulation, it was set to be performed multiple times in Scenario.


Memory could not be allocated.

Memory required for model analysis is insufficient. Physical memory must be increased to resolve this problem.


The input must be defined.

There was no input to perform FRA.


The output must be defined.

There was no output to perform FRA.


Unable to compute the eigenvector.

It failed to compute the eigenvector from Eigenvalue analysis in FRA.


FRA failed because the total number of system modes is zero.

The number of system modes obtained was 0 after performing FRA.


Eigenvalue analysis failed.

It failed to get an inverse matrix with complex number from Eigenvalue analysis in FRA.


Eigenvalue analysis failed to converge. Please decrease the amplitude factor.

Eigenvalue analysis failed to converge within 100 iterations.


Acceleration analysis failed to converge in Static analysis.


The index (%d) of a dependent body must not be greater than the array size (%d).


The total size (%d) of data must be less than the array size (%d).


Convergence failed in the position analysis.


Entity (%d) is not valid.

The redundant constraint is output to the MESSAGE file for the position analysis in Pre-Analysis. If there is an unknown type joint, an error occurs.


The redundant constraint check failed in velocity analysis because the number of constraint equations (%d) is greater than the number of system DOFs (%d) for the velocity analysis.

The redundant constraint check failed for the velocity analysis in Pre-Analysis because the number of constraint equations is greater than the number of system DOFs.


Static analysis is not available for Belt2D.

Static analysis is not supported in 2D Belt models.


Convergence failed in Static analysis.


Convergence failed in Dynamic analysis. Please decrease a constant time stepsize.

It failed to find solution in the model where TRKGALPHA integrator is used and Constant Stepsize option is defined. Please decrease a constant time stepsize.


The simulation terminated because the current step size is too small (%-16e). Please decrease the Jacobian evaluation value.

The simulation stopped when the current step size was smaller than 1.e-16 due to a large force generated during the dynamic analysis.


Unable to set the factorization tolerance in the sparse linear solver.


Unable to set the message flag in the sparse linear solver.


Unable to set “In/Out Core” option in the sparse linear solver.


Unable to set the number of threads in the sparse linear solver.


Unable to set the rigid connection data in the sparse linear solver.


LU factorization in the sparse linear solver failed.

If the mass or constraint is not correct, LU factorization for the linear solver failed in FFlex models.


The %dth value in the rplt file is not valid.

NaN was included in the RPLT file for FFlex models when performing Dynamic analysis.


The maximum number of bodies in the student version is limited to 20.

More than 20 rigid bodies were defined in RecurDyn Student version.


The contact entity is not available in the student version.

A contact entity not supported by Student version was used.


The number of valid SMP licenses (%d) must be greater than or equal to the requested number of cores (%d).

There was not enough license as many as the number of cores you want to use.


MEHD is only available in the Windows version of RecurDyn.

MEHD cannot be used on Linux system.


Eigenvalue analysis failed because the number of degrees of freedom of the system is zero.

If the number of degrees of freedom of the system is 0, Eigenvalue analysis cannot be performed.


Unable to read the model name in the z_z file because the file could not be opened.

The Z_Z file required to run the solver was not open, so the model name cannot be read.


Unable to read a flag in the z_z file because the file could not be opened.

The Z_Z file required to run the solver was not open, so the simulation commands cannot be read.


The file could not be opened.

The DAT file converted from the RMD file for the solver was not open.


The simulation command must be defined.

There was no simulation command in the RSS file for Scenario analysis.


The input and output must be defined.


The simulation command (%s) is not valid.

The wrong simulation command was defined in the RSS file for Scenario analysis.


The integrator command (%s) is not valid.

The wrong integrator command was defined in the RSS file for Scenario analysis.


Unable to read commands.

It failed to read commands in the RSS file for Scenario analysis.


The entity ID (%d) is not valid.

The ID matching the entity searched for in the RMD file is not found.


Undefined force type is used. Activate or deactivate command cannot be applied.

While executing the Scenario analysis, undefined force type in the Activate/Deactivate command was used.


The hybrid Integrator is not available in Belt2D.

Hybrid integrator is not supported in 2D Belt models.


FNE license cannot be used with Standalone solver.

In Standalone solver, FNE license cannot be used.


The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 7.

The wrong type was defined in this expression function. It must be between 1 and 7.


The flag (%d) is not valid because it must be 0 or 1.

The wrong flag was defined in this expression function. It must be 0 or 1.


The component type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 8.

The wrong component type was defined in this expression function.


The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 13.

The wrong type was defined in this expression function. It must be between 1 and 13


The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 6.

The wrong type was defined in this expression function. It must be between 1 and 6


The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 3.

The wrong type was defined in this expression function. Tt must be between 1 and 3.


Unable to find the program Cosin. Please check the installation of the Cosin software.

The Cosin FTire program was not installed.


The platform of FTire is wrong. Please install the correct Cosin FTire platform.

The wrong Cosin FTire platform was installed.


The installed version of Cosin FTire is too old.

The outdated Cosin FTire version was used.


Unable to call the FTire initialization API. Please verify the FTire and RecurDyn versions.

It failed to call the FTire initialization API. Please verify the FTire and RecurDyn versions.


Road file includes unknown parameters. Please refer to the example for MF-Tire road files in the RecurDyn install directory.

The road file for FTire includes unknown parameters. Please refer to the example for MF-Tire road files in the RecurDyn install directory.


The requested number of cores is not valid because the available number of cores in this system is %d.

A number of cores that are not supported on this system were requested.


The distance between two markers must not be zero.

If the distance of the Distance joint is 0, a Jacobian problem occurs.


The number of frequencies (%d) is not valid because it must be between 2 and 9999.

The number of frequencies defined in INVPSD expression function was wrong.


Unable to load the particle solver dll file.

It failed to load the particle solver dll files in SPI.


Unable to initialize the solver license system.


Unable to identify the supported version.

The return value of the “PS_APIVersionSupported” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to get a function pointer.


Unable to initialize particle solver.

The return value of the “PS_Initialize” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to initialize a rigid wall.

The return value of the “PS_SetInitialConditionsForRigidWall” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to perform Pre-analysis.

The return value of the “PS_PreAnalysis” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to make output files in the particle solver.

The return value of the “PS_MakeOutputFiles” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to set the motion of a rigid wall.

The return value of the “PS_SetMotionForRigidWall” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to get the step size.

The return value of the “PS_Step” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to get a rigid wall reaction force.

The return value of the “PS_GetForceForRigidWall” function is -1 in SPI. Please check the API function.


Unable to find the particle solver dll file. Please check the particle solver path in configuration.xml.

It failed to find the particle solver dll files in SPI. Please check the particle solver path in configuration.xml.


Unable to find required data in the particle solver dll.

It failed to get required data from API functions in SPI.


MBDforANSYS license cannot be used with Standalone solver.

In Standalone solver, MBDforANSYS license cannot be used.


The tai file does not match with the number of TSG actuators.

The number of TSG Actuators was not matched with them in the tai file.


The TSG actuator ID (%d) is not valid.

The ID of TSG Actuator defined in TACT expression function could not be found.


The TSG sensor ID (%d) is not valid.

The ID of TSG Sensor defined in TACT expression function could not be found.


Constraint violation occurred because of incompatible redundant constraints. Please try to remove some or all of the redundant constraints or increase the redundant violation tolerance.

The redundant constraint violation value was greater than the user’s input tolerance.


The step size (%f) must be greater than zero. Please check the value of “STEP”.

In Scenario analysis, the step value was zero or less than zero.


The maximum stiction deformation will be ignored in the FE (%s) roller (%n) because the friction stick-slip effect is not available in FE roller.


This entity is not available in C++ solver.


The end time (%f) must be greater than zero. Please check the value of “END”.

In Scenario analysis, the end value was zero or less than zero.


This icf file dose not match the current model. Please check the node IDs of the RFlex virtual joints.


The contact ID (%d) is not valid in the MMSD.


Unable to find the DriveTrain bearing solver interface dll file.

It failed to load find the DriveTrain bearing solver interface dll file.


The primary nodes of an RBE3 element must not be collinear.

The primary nodes of an RBE3 element were in collinear.


Unable to get the direction vector.


Unable to allocate DriveTrain bearing solver.

It failed to allocate DriveTrain bearing solver.


[%n] Unable to create DriveTrain gear instance.

It failed to create DriveTrain gear instance.


[%n] Unable to get DriveTrain gear OEM module.

It failed to get DriveTrain gear OEM module.


[%n] Unable to calculate the general logic for DriveTrain gear.

It failed to calculate the general logic for DriveTrain gear.


[%n] Unable to calculate the callfunc for DriveTrain gear contact.

It failed to calculate the callfunc for DriveTrain gear contact.


Either the base or the action curve must not be a straight line.

Either the base or the action curve was a straight line in CVCV Joint.


Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used on models that contain Colink entities.

Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used in Colink models.


Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used on models that contain Track, Belt, or Chain entities.

Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used in Track, Belt, or Chain models.


The total size (%d) of data must not be greater than the array size (%d).


The %dth value in the fplt file is not valid.

NaN was included in the FPLT file when performing Eigenvalue analysis.


The action entity and the base entity must be different.

The action entity and the base entity were same in Force entity.


A length of the file name is too long. Please reduce it to less than %d characters.%n

A length of the file name was too long.


An unsupported number of cores, such as 3, was used.


The index used in the sparse residual must not be zero.


Failed to calculate the Jacobian.

Jacobian singular occurred because the base marker and the action marker were the same in CONVEL joint.


The number of arguments (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d).

The number of user parameters exceeded 30 for Motion function in User Subroutine.


Unable to get the curve normal direction. Please use the “User Direction” option.

In Cam 2D Contact and Cam Line 2D Contact, it failed to get the curve normal direction automatically.


Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please increase the radius of the circle.

Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist in Circle to Curve Contact. Please increase the radius of the circle.


Unable to get the patch normal vector.

In the general surface contact, it failed to get the normal vector of each patch.


Two nodes in a patch must not be in the same position.

In the general surface contact, two nodes in a patch were in the same position.


The number of lines in the patch does not match with the number of lines calculated from the patch points. Please check CAD surface data.

In the general surface contact, the number of lines in the patch did not match with the number of lines calculated from the patch points.


The contact type (%d) is not valid.

When using CONTACT expression function, undefined contact type was used.


The surface type of either the base or action surface is not valid.

In Extended Surface to Surface Contact, the surface type of either the base or action surface was not valid.


The total number of pairs (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d).


The index (%d) of the action patch is not valid.

The action patch ID defined in Extended Surface to Surface Contact could not be found.


The index (%d) of the base patch is not valid.

The base patch ID defined in Extended Surface to Surface Contact could not be found.


The index (%d) of the node’s type is not valid.


Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please decrease the number of divided cubic cells of the base surface.

Memory allocation failed because the surface was divided too finely in Extended Surface to Surface Contact.


Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please increase the radius of the action sphere.

Memory allocation failed because the surface as divided too finely in Sphere to Surface Contact.


The total number of sub-boundary boxes (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d). Please increase the value of maximum penetration of contact.

Memory allocation failed because the surface was divided too finely in Surface to Surface Contact.


The total number of contact points (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d).

The total number of contact points exceeded 200 in Surface to Surface Contact.


The total number of contact output file cannot exceed 50000.

The total number of contact output file cannot exceed 50000 for Geo Contact.


The radius of arc (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the circle (%f) in the %dth contact.

The circle radius was greater than the arc radius in Circle in Arc Contact.


The radius of outer-circle (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the inner-circle (%f) in the %dth contact.

The inner circle radius was greater than the outer circle radius in Circle to Circle Contact.


The end-angle of a torus (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth MMSD inner/outer contact.

The torus end angle was less than zero in MMSD contact.


The major-radius of a torus (%f) minus minor-radius of the torus (%f) must be greater than the radius of cross section circle (%f) in the %dth MMSD inner/outer contact.

The torus major-radius minus the torus minor-radius was less than the cross-section circle radius in MMSD contact.


The radius of an arc (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The sphere radius was greater than the arc radius in Sphere to Arc Extrusion Contact,


The length of an arc-extrude (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The sphere diameter was greater than the arc-extruded length in Sphere to Arc Extrusion Contact.


The angle of an arc-revolution (%f) must be less than 360 degrees.

The arc-revolution angle was greater than 360 in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact


The end-angle of an arc-revolution (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth contact.

The arc-revolution end angle was less than zero in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact.


The radius of an arc (%f) plus the horizontal offset %f must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The arc radius plus the horizonal offset was less than the sphere radius in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact,


The pitch length (%f) must be greater than the diameter of the arc (%f).

The pitch length is less than the arc diameter in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact,


The horizontal offset (%f) of an arc-revolution surface must be greater than the radius of the arc (%f).

The horizontal offset was less than the arc radius in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact.


The radius of an arc (%f) plus the horizontal offset (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The arc radius plus the horizontal offset was less than the sphere radius in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact


The angle of a holder-radius (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The holder-radius angle was less than the sphere radius in Sphere to Arc Revolution Contact.


The length of a box (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The box length was less than the sphere diameter in Sphere to Box Contact.


The radius of a cylinder (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The cylinder radius was less than the sphere diameter in Sphere in Cylinder Contact.


The length of a cylinder (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The cylinder length was less than the sphere diameter in Sphere in Cylinder Contact


The radius of an outer-sphere (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the inner-sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The outer sphere radius was less than the inner sphere radius in Sphere in Sphere Contact


The end-angle of a torus (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth contact.

The torus end angle was less than zero in Sphere in Torus Contact


The minor-radius of a torus (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact.

The torus minor radius was less than the sphere radius in Sphere in Torus Contact.


The joint ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined joint type was used in the logic that calculates the Joint Friction Sliding type.


The damping type (%d) is not valid.


The number of gauss points (%d) must be less than 5.


Unable to calculate the inverse of jacobian.

It failed to calculate the inverse of Jacobian in Plate force.


The number of user parameters (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d).

The number of user parameters exceeded 30 for Axial function in User Subroutine.


The number of user parameters (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size %d.

The number of user parameters exceeded 30 for Matrix function in User Subroutine.


Unable to compute the eigenvector. (MKL/FEAST)

It failed to compute the eigenvector in FRA.


The number of curve segments must be greater than or equal to 2.

The number of curve segments was less than 2.


Unable to factorize the spline matrix.

When there are 3 Curve Segments, in the process of making Non-uniform Cubic Spline, if the segments are not independent from each other, Cubic Spline cannot be properly made.


The curve matrix data type (%d) is not valid.


A spline definition requires at least two points.

The number of points defined in the spline was less than 2.


The spline type ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined spline type was used.


Each x value in a spline definition must be larger than the previous x value.

The x value in the spline was less than the previous x value.


The value (%f) of z is not valid in 3D Spline.

It failed to be interpolated with z value in the 3D spline.


The order (%d) is not valid because it must be 0, 1, or 2.

The undefined spline order was used.


Unable to find the dll file for User Subroutine.

It failed to find the dll file for User Subroutine.


Unable to find the defined function in the dll file for User Subroutine.

It failed to find the defined function in the dll file for User Subroutine.


Nodal_Force_Ext USUB is not available in MTT2D.

Nodal_Force_Ext function in User Subroutine was used in MTT2D model.


The entity ID (%d) is not valid. Please check the available entities in Belt2D.


x0 and x1 must have different values.

x0 and x1 were same in Sweep expression function.


The spline ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined spline ID was used in expression functions where spline enters argument.


The spline value is not valid.

There is a negative value in the spline for INVPSD expression function.


The unit quaternion could not be extracted from the rotation matrix.


The quaternion norm must not be zero.


Unable to factorize the matrix.


The total number of expression functions (%d) must be less than the maximum size (%d).


The base of the exponent must be positive


The value of x must be positive.

The X value was negative in LOG, LOG10, and SQRT expression functions.


The value of x must not be a multiple of pi/2.

The X value was a multiple of pi/2 in TAN expression function.


The absolute value of x must not be greater than 1.

The absolute X value was greater than 1 in ASIN expression function.


The value of y must not be zero.

The y value was zero in MOD expression function.


The x and y values must not be zero.

The x and y values were zero in ATAN2 expression function.


The type (%s) used in the SYSARY function is not available.

The undefined type was used in SYSARY function.


A floating marker cannot be used in this function.


A floating marker cannot be used in this expression function.


A floating marker cannot be used in this type used in SYSARY.


The number of arguments must be 1 or 2.

The number of arguments were 1 or 2 in AM expression function.


The function type (%s) is not valid.

The undefined function type was used in SYSFNC function.


The expression function (%s) is not available.

Expression functions that can be defined in SYSFNC function were used in Motion.


The total number of AX, AY, AZ expression functions (%d) must be less than the maximum size (%d).


Unable to read the method in the property file.

It failed to read the method in the tire property file.


Unable to read the unit (%s) of force in the property file.

It failed to read the force unit in the tire property file.


Unable to read the unit (%s) of mass in the property file.

It failed to read the mass unit in the tire property file.


Unable to read the unit (%s) of length in the property file.

It failed to read the length unit in the tire property file.


Unable to read the unit (%s) of angles in the property file.

It failed to read the angle unit in the tire property file.


Unable to read the unit (%s) of time in the property file.

It failed to read the time unit in the tire property file.


The selected markers must belong to a force entity.

The markers defined in FORCE expression function is not pair.


The joint index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined joint index was used in MOTION expression function.


This is a user-defined error message. “ERROR STRING” : %n.”ID” = %d.”COMMAND” = %n.

An error occurred by ERRMES function in User Subroutine.


The number of user files (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d).

The number of files registered by the REG_File function in User Subroutine was over 100.


The RFlex body index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined RFlex body index was used for GET_RFLEX_MODEID function in User Subroutine.


Unable to get the node index.

It failed to get the node ID from the RFI file when using the GET_RFLEX_NODESEQID function in User Subroutine.


The node index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined node index was used for GET_RFLELX_NODEIPOS function in User Subroutine.


The mode ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined mode ID was used for GET_RFLEX_TMODESHAPE function in User Subroutine.


The FFlex body index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined FFlex body index was used for GET_FFLEX_NODEPOS function in User Subroutine.


The FFlex body ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined FFlex body ID was used for GET_FFLEX_NODETACC function in User Subroutine.


The Euler angle type (%d) is not valid.

The undefined Euler angle type was used for ORIENTATIONMATRIX function in User Subroutine.


The sheet segment index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined sheet segment index was used for GET_MTT2D_SHTSEGSTRINGNAME function in User Subroutine.


The RFlex body name is not valid.

The undefined RFlex body name was used for GET_RFLEX_BODYSEQID function in User Subroutine.


The node ID (%d) is not valid.

The undefined node ID was used for GET_FFLEX_NODESEQID function in User Subroutine.


The file cannot be created. Please check the file name or path.

The ICF file could not be created.


The file cannot be deleted because it cannot be accessed.

The ICF file could not be deleted because it cannot be accessed.


This icf file does not match with the current model.

This ICF file does not match with the current model.


This icf file does not match with the current model. Please check the above entity.


The simulation terminated because some value of redundant constraints have exceeded the tolerance.

The redundant constraint violation value was greater than the user’s input tolerance.


The value of a point must not exceed the range of the curve (%n).

It exceeded the curve defined in PTCV joint.


Unable to create the rplt file because the header size is zero.

It failed to create the RPLT file because the header size is zero.


The %dth value in the rad file is not valid.

Nan was included in the RAD file.


The request type (%d) is not valid.

The undefined request type was used.


The total number of nodes (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d).

The total number of nodes was greater than the array size in Laser Sensor.


The node index (%d) is not valid.

The undefined node index was used in RFlex models.


Unable to read the ID and index.

It failed to read the ID and index for the RFlex body in the Modal Force.


Unable to read the body ID and marker ID.

It failed to read the body ID and marker ID for the RFlex body in the Modal Force.


Unable to read the node list.

It failed to read the node list for the RFlex body in the Modal Force.


Unable to read the body ID and type.

It failed to read the body ID and type for the RFlex body in the Modal Force.


In the Modal Load Case, the number of modes must be “number of used modes + 6” for Modal Load type.

In the Modal Load Case, the number of modes was not the number of used modes + 6 for Modal Load type.


Unable to read the data in the rfi file.

It failed to read the data in the RFI file.


Unable to read the node data in the rfi file.

It failed to read the node data in the RFI file.


Unable to read the mode shape data in the rfi file.

It failed to read the mode shape data in the RFI file.


Uanble to read the stress shape and strain shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer.

It failed to read the stress shape and strain shape data in the RFI file.


Unable to read the stress shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer.

It failed to read the stress shape data in the RFI file.


Unable to read the strain shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer.

It failed to read the strain shape data in the RFI file.


Unable to read the data for the %dth RFlex body.

It failed to read the data for the RFlex body in the DAT file.


The file cannot be written to because the file could not be opened.


Unable to read the body ID and index for the %dth RFlex body.

It failed to read the body ID and index for the RFlex body in the RFI file.


The rfi file version is old. Please regenerate the file.

The RFI file version was old.


The entity’s data cannot be read.


Cannot open binary file containing the flexible data. Filename: %n.


Some (%d) of the selected modes are not independent.

Some of the selected modes for the RFlex body are not independent.


The file version is old. Please regenerate the file.


Memory allocation failed.


Unable to read file because the version of the file is newer than the installed RecurDyn version. Please check the %dth RFlex body.

It failed to read the RFI file because the version of the file is newer than the installed RecurDyn version.


Unable to calculate the stiffness matrix.

The diagonal matrix values of the stiffness matrix for the RFlex body were less than or equal to zero


The unit type (%d) of mass is not valid.

The undefined mass unit type was used for the RFlex body.


The unit type (%d) of length is not valid.

The undefined length unit type was used for the RFlex body.


The unit type (%d) of time is not valid.

The undefined time unit type was used for the RFlex body.


The unit type (%d) of force, mass, length, and time that is used is not valid.

The undefined unit was used for the RFlex body.


The natural frequencies are not valid.

It failed to read natural frequencies for the RFlex body in the RFI file.


An RFlex marker must have reference node data.

There was no information for the reference node in a RFlex marker.


The total number of nodes (%d) must be less than the array size (%d).

The number of boundary cells was greater than 10000 for the FFlex Curve in Contact.


The total number of sub-boundary boxes (%d) must be less than the array size (%d).

The number of boundary cells was greater than 10000 for the FFlex Surface in Contact.


Unable to calculate Jacobian in the case of using 2.5D option.

The matrix singular occurred when calculating Jacobian with the 2.5D option in FSurface to Surface Contact.


The FFlex body cannot be deactivated during a simulation.

The FFlex body could not be deactivated during the simulation in Scenario analysis.


The RFlex body cannot be deactivated during a simulation.

The RFlex body could not be deactivated during the simulation in Scenario analysis.


The nodal force type (%d) is not valid.

The undefined nodal force type was used in Nodal Force.


There is no selected node for the applied nodal force (%n).

There was no selected node for the applied Nodal Force.


There is an element with zero or negative volume at a nodal point.

There was an element with zero or negative volume at a nodal point for calculating the stress and strain.


Determinant of the global gradient is zero.

Determinant of the global gradient was zero for Solid8 elements.


The activation type (%d) is not valid.

The undefined Activate/Deactivate flag was used for the FFlex body in Scenario analysis.


There is an element with zero or negative volume.

There was an element with zero or negative volume for Solid4 elements.


There is no GPU available.


The error occurs in SAMADII.


Unable to find the Particleworks.dll file. Please check the Particleworks program.

It failed to find the Particleworks.dll file. Please check the Particleworks program.


An error has occurred in Particleworks Interface.


A warning has occurred in Solid Contact


An error has occurred in Solid contact.


There are too many patch pairs. Please increase the plane tolerance factor.


The simulation finished successfully. The end time is %f.


Unable to calculate spring coefficient “KH1” in a one step spring.

It failed to calculate spring coefficient “KH1” of a one step spring in MMSC.


Unable to calculate spring coefficient “KH2” in a one step spring.

It failed to calculate spring coefficient “KH2” of a one step spring in MMSC.


Unable to calculate spring coefficient “KH1” in a two step spring.

It failed to calculate spring coefficient “KH1” of a two step spring in MMSC.


Unable to calculate spring coefficient “KH2” in a two step spring.

It failed to calculate spring coefficient “KH2” of a two step spring in MMSC.


The simulation terminated because a required condition was below a tolerance. The torque is %f.

The simulation terminated during the CCMAV simulation because a required condition was below a tolerance.


Ko, Co, and clearance must not be zero.

Ko, Co, or clearance was zero in Bushing Bearing Type A.


There are too many intersection points. Please increase the plane tolerance factor.


GCoSim “Name” already was used in another interface.

GCoSim “Name” already was used in another interface.


WARNING: The Maximum Time Step (%f) is greater than Report Time Step (%f). The Maximum Time Step is set (%f).

The Maximum Time Step was greater than Report Time Step.


WARNING: The Initial Time Step (%f) is greater than Maximum Time Step (%f). The Initial Time Step is set (%f).

The Initial Time Step was greater than Maximum Time Step.


The joint type is not valid.


Simulation is stopped by “Stop Simulation when Occurring Redundant Constraint Option”. System have a redundant constraint.

Simulation was stopped by “Stop Simulation when Occurring Redundant Constraint Option”. System have a redundant constraint.


Please, Check the format of property file used in tire and road. Does not support the file types of Linux/Unix/Mac format in Windows system.

The tire property file of Linux/Unix/Mac format is not valid in Windows system.


A contact pressure is not available because a surface for pressure is not defined.

A contact pressure is not available because there is no UV Node for the surface in the Gear Involute Contact.


The value of a point must not exceed the boundary of the UV Surface (%n).

It exceeded the surface defined in PTSF joint.


The expression ID (%d) is not valid. Please check the available entities in Expression.

The undefined expression ID was used. Please check the available entities in Expression.


Since static friction coefficient(SFC) must be greater than or equal to dynamic friction coefficient(DFC), solver replaced SFC with DFC.

The static friction coefficient (SFC) was less than the dynamic friction coefficient (DFC)I in Geo Contact. Solver replaced SFC with DFC.


The target node is also belong to Beam and Solid element. The Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam and the recovery value of Solid. %n


The target node is also belong to Beam element. The Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam. %n


The target node is also belong to Solid element. The Expression value includes recovery value of Solid. %n


There is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.The Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam and the recovery value of Solid. %n


There is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.The Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam. %n


There is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.The Expression value includes the recovery value of Solid. %n


Unable to find the particle solver dll file.Please check the particle solver path in the environment variable named “SPI_PATH_PRODUCTNAME”.If you want to set automatically the DLL path from the configuration.xml file, please remove the environment value.

It failed to find the particle solver dll file in SPI.


Some diagonal values of system matrix are zero. Please verify that all bodies have non-zero mass.

The mass of body was zero.


FFlex boundary conditions and FFlex constraint connectors are overlapped.

Boundary Conditions and constraints were defined in the same node for the FFlex body.


Rplt size does not match. (size_rpt > soobus)


There are too many contact points. Memory can not be allocated in track contact analysis.

Memory required for model analysis is insufficient because there are too many contact points in Track models. Physical memory must be increased to resolve this problem.


There are too many contact points. Memory can not be allocated in chain contact analysis.

Memory required for model analysis is insufficient because there are too many contact points in Chain models. Physical memory must be increased to resolve this problem.


Convection analysis cannot be applied to line patch. It can only be appied to surface patch.


HeatFlux analysis cannot be applied to line patch. It can only be appied to surface patch.


There is circular reference between expressions.


The expression(%n) is circular reference which need to be checked.


SPI flexible wall (%n) of a RFlex body doesn’t support the Structural-Thermal analysis.


Memory could not be allocated.


Acceleration analysis failed to converge.- Please remove the Rigid mode of Rflex body.


The value of y[%d](%f) and y[1](%f) must be same in cyclic condition.


[%n] Pinion center in gear pair is out of range of rack.


Report Size is not match with RPLT size.


The integrator command (%s) is changed to (%s).


The integrator type (%s) is not supported. Please export the rmd or change the keyword of rmd to INTPAR / ADVHYBRID.


[%n] Cannot open z12 file.


[%n] Cannot open meta model file.


[%n] Cannot find RTL File.


[%n] There is an error for number of node in RTL file.


[%n] There is an error information about steady flag in RTL file.


[%n] The number of nodes written in the RTL file is different from the number of actual node information.


[%n] File version in RTL file is wrong.


[%n] RTL file size is zero.


Unable to find the particle solver dll file using the environment variable named “SPI_PATH_PRODUCTNAME”.


[%n] The value of rotational angle (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


[%n] The value of penetration (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


[%n] The value of center distance (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


[%n] The value of axial offset (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


[%n] The value of twist (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


[%n] The value of tilt (%f) at simtlation time (%f) greatly exceeded the defined range”.


The static solver type (%s) is not supported. Please export the rmd from GUI.