43.1.4. Run ProcessNet Script

Run ProcessNet script for Using RecurDyn

  1. Run ProcessNet(python) Dialog


    Figure 43.2 Run Dialog in ProcessNet(python) group of the Customize tab

  2. Register the executable file via the image10 button in the dialog.

  3. You can execute the script by clicking the image11 button of the dialog or ​via a run of ContextMenuStrip by right-clicking the mouse


    Figure 43.3 Run Dialog in ProcessNet(python) group of the Customize tab

Run ProcessNet script for Using IDE

You can run the script inside RecurDyn, but you can also run the Python script through the IDE or directly.
Load Python from the IDE and run it via the Run or Debug button.
The type of IDE does not matter. However, depending on the IDE, you may need to configure, if the RecurDyn Package is not properly connected.


If you check the Hide run dialog when executing ProcessNet function ** button, the **ProcessNet manager is hidden when the PNet function is executed. When the function is finished running, the dialog reappears again. This function is used for screen capture or recording.