47.1.2. Licensing

Learn how to set up the licensing needed to use the RecurDyn Linux solver. Note that the licensing on Linux is similar to the licensing on Windows. Therefore, the RecurDyn Install Guide for Windows is a useful reference for the Linux user.

The RecurDyn License File

You should first obtain a license file from their RecurDyn distributor. The physical address of the network (LAN) card and the computer host name are necessary to generate a license file. On Linux the physical address can be shown by using the command ‘ifconfig’. Node-Locked License

You need to place the license file in an accessible and secure location and set up the environment variable so that the license file can be found. With a formal installation, this document assumes that the license file is placed in the /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion> directory. With an informal installation, it is assumed that the license is installed in the opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion> directory under your home directory (as created with the rpmcpio command described in the installation chapter). Pick from the following two sections according type of installation that you have.

To place the license file in a location for a formal installation

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type the following on the Linux console:

    cp License.dat /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>
  3. Log out as superuser.

To place the license file in a location for an informal installation

  1. Copy the license file into the opt/functionbay directory under your home directory

    cp License.dat /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion> License Server Setup

The following files are necessary to setup the RecurDyn License Server on Linux and should be obtained from your RecurDyn distributor.

  • fblmd

  • lmgrd

  • lmutil

To set up the license server, formal installation

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Create a license server working directory by typing in the following on the Linux console:

    mkdir /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>/RD_License
  3. Copy the license server files listed above into the license server working directory.

  4. In the case where the account does not automatically set the files for execution, the Linux command ‘chmod’ should be used as follows:

    chmod +rx fblmd lmgrd lmutil
  5. Log out as superuser.

To set up the license server, informal installation

  1. Create a license server working directory by typing in the following on the Linux console:

    mkdir opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>/RD_License
  2. Copy the license server files listed above into the license server working directory.

  3. In the case where the account does not automatically set the files for execution, the Linux command ‘chmod’ should be used as follows:

    chmod +rx fblmd lmgrd lmutil

To start the RecurDyn license server

The general form of the command is:

lmgrd –c [license file name] –l [log file name]

  1. You should type the following from the working directory of the license server:

    ./lmgrd –c license.dat –l recurdyn.log
  2. If there is no error, you can use any text editor to see the contents of log file.


If you use a Linux environment with x64, you need to install additional LSB library.
If you do not do any additional installation, the following error occurs.
/lib64/ld-lsb-x86-64.so.3: bad ELF interpreter
The solution is as follows.
yum -y install redhat-lsb

To stop the RecurDyn license server

The general form of the command is:

lmutil lmdown –c [license file name]

  1. You should type the following from the working directory of the license server:

    ./lmutil lmdown –c license.dat
  2. The following appears:

Port@Host Vendors
1) 27000@[host_name] fblmd
Are you sure <y/n>?
  1. You should type the letter y in order to confirm the shutdown.

  2. FLEXnet License Server shut down.


Flexlm goes looking for the MAC address on the Ethernet interface named “eth0” and if it doesn’t find it, it returns an empty or blank hostid. If you go to the directory where the devices are mapped – could be /etc/config or /etc/iftab or /etc/udev and rename eth1 to eth0, then it should work.

One way you may be able to rename the interface from “eth1” to “eth0” is to use the Linux “Network” Administration GUI tool (you’ll need the root password). In the window that appears you would select on the “Hardware” tab to display a dialog that shows all the interfaces. Select the row with the eth1 device and click Edit. In the dialog box that appears you should see a field that allows you to rename interface to eth0. Just follow through on OK clicking and saving as indicated. A reboot may not be needed, but probably should be done to insure the change is persistent. Cloud License

Cloud License is also available. To set up the cloud license, follow these steps:

  1. Install RecurDyn.

  2. Go to installed folder. You can find file which name is MakeCloudLicenseFile.

  3. Edit file contents. RD_INSTALL_PATH may need correction. If installed in a specific folder, changes are required.

    # '$1' is 1st argument of shell file (Cloud Server Login ID)
    # '$2' is 2nd argument of shell file (Cloud Server Login PW)
    export RD_INSTALL_PATH=/opt/functionbay/V----
    CloudLicenseMaker $1 $2
  4. Excute MakeCloudLicenseFile. Using this command on RecurDyn install path.

    ./MakeCloudLicenseFile (ID) (PASS)

    (ID) : Login ID on Cloud Server

    (PASS) : Login PASSWORD on Cloud Server

  5. When executed successfully, you can find the “License file created successfully.” message and the account.loc file is created created in the path of the HOME environment variable. To check variable of HOME, please use this command.

    echo $HOME
  6. If there is an error, the message show like below,

    Failed to create license file.
    (Detailed Error Messages)
  7. To use Cloud License, it needs addtional environment variable.


    When using the rds file, the environment variable registration command required to use the cloud license is commented out in the rds file. This part should be enabled and use it. In general, the name of rds file is rds_(Version).

    # example "rds (rds.sh)"
    # LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/Path_of_SoFile/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   /Path_of_RD_Solver/rdsolver $1 $2
    # '$1' is 1st argument of shell file (rcf_file_name or rmd_file_name)
    # '$2' is 2nd argument of shell file (rss_file_name)
    export RD_INSTALL_PATH=/opt/functionbay/V----
    export JULIA_DIR=$RD_INSTALL_PATH/libJulia/julia-0.4.7
    rdsolver $1 $2