8.6. Utilities

RecurDyn Post has some utilities in Tools folder.

8.6.1. CsiPost.exe

CsiPost.exe can make you to run scripts to RecurDyn Post. If there are scripts written in advance, you can easily execute the scripts through the batch command. Supported arguments are script text and script file.


CsiPost will execute the RecurDyn Post automatically if any RecurDyn Post have not been executed. If RecurDyn Post has been already executed, the scripts are applied to the first RecurDyn Post among with all executed RecurDyn Post.

Supported Command





CsiPost.exe script-file.csx

Run the specific file


CsiPost.exe /s “C# script code”


Csipost.exe /i “plot data file path”

Import the specific plot data file (csv, txt, rplt)


  • Using script file

    Csipost.exe “ChangeAxisSettings.csx”

  • Using scripts

    Csipost.exe /s “MainViewModel.NewModelWithPlotCommand.Execute(null);”

  • Using plot data file

    Csipost.exe /i “PlotData.rplt”