10.13.2. Output Format

Global inertial part

It contains selected body velocity, acceleration and applied gravitational acceleration.


Figure 10.120 Body inertia

  • VEL_RX, VEL_RY, VEL_RZ: The x, y and z components of the angular velocity of center marker in the user defined reference frame.



  • ACC_X, ACC_Y, ACC_Z: The x, y, and z components of the Translational acceleration of center marker in the user defined reference frame

    \(\ddot{\mathbf{r}}_{icm}=\mathbf{A}_i\ddot{\mathbf{r}}_i^{'}+\mathbf{A}_i\tilde{\mathbf{w}}_i^{'}\dot{\mathbf{r}}_i^{'} +\mathbf{A}_i\tilde{\mathbf{w}}_i^{'}\tilde{\mathbf{w}}_i^{'}\mathbf{s}_{icm}^{'}+\mathbf{A}_i\tilde{\dot{\mathbf{w}}}_i^{'}\mathbf{s}_{icm}^{'}\)


  • ACC_RX, ACC_RY, ACC_RZ: The x, y, and z components of the Rotational acceleration of center marker in the user defined reference frame



  • GRAVITY: The x, y, and z components of gravity in the user defined reference frame
