9.7.12. Export Export Shell Data File

This function exports the mesh data of flexible body to the shell format data (*.shl).
When using the contact with rigid body, this is useful function when you need that the meshed patch data is used instead of original patch data.
  • Export patches including visible component.

  • Export selected patch sets.


Figure 9.116 Export Shell Data File dialog box

  • Selection Type: Selecting method to select exporting part.

    • Visible Component: Exports visible component (Element Component, Property Component) only.

    • Patch Sets: Exports selected patch sets.

  • Add/Remove: Selects patch sets. This is activated in case of Patch Sets type.

  • Preview Selected Items: Shows selected patch sets. This is activated in case of Patch Sets type.

  • Export: Exports the shell format data. (*.shl or *.obj). Export Set Data File

This function exports the flexible sets of flexible body to the text format (*.dat).
When existing the flexible body with same mesh data(node, element), this is useful function when you create flexible set by importing this file. The exported data can be imported Import function on File Menu.
  • Export Node Set, Patch Set, Element Set, and Line Set.


Figure 9.117 Export Set Data File dialog box

  • Sets: Listing existing flexible sets. If you export a set, click Use check box.

    • Export File Name: Selects export file.

  • Export: Exports the set data. (*.dat).