Group Roller Bearing Property


Figure 38.30 Roller Bearing property page [Group Roller Bearing Property page]

  • Bearing Body

    • Inner Ring Property: Defines the material property of inner ring.


      Figure 38.31 Bearing Body Info dialog box

    • Outer Ring Property: Defines the material property of outer ring and characteristic values for Beam Force. For more information, For more information, click here.


      Figure 38.32 Bearing Body Info dialog box

    • Roller Property: Defines the material property of roller.

  • Bearing Contact: Defines characteristic values for each contact. Refer to Bearing Contact Characteristic.

    • Inner Ring and Roller Contact Property: The cylinder to cylinder contact is used.

    • Outer Ring and Roller Contact Property: The cylinder in cylinder contact is used.

    • Outer Ring and Outer Body Contact Property

  • Radial Clearance: Defines the clearance in the radial direction.


    Figure 38.33 Geometric information of outer body (case)

  • Outer Body Width: Defines the width of the outer body.

  • Axial Clearance: Defines the clearance in the axial direction.

  • Inner Slip Ratio: Defines the slip ratio for the roller and the inner ring.

  • Outer Slip Ratio: Defines the slip ratio for the roller and the outer ring.

    \(\begin{aligned} & (1-{{\xi }_{i}})\frac{{{D}_{ri}}}{2}({{\theta }_{i}}-{{\theta }_{o}})=\frac{{{D}_{ba}}}{2}{{\theta }_{ba}} \\ & (1-{{\xi }_{o}})\frac{{{D}_{ro}}}{2}{{\theta }_{o}}=\frac{{{D}_{ba}}}{2}{{\theta }_{ba}} \\ & \therefore {{\theta }_{o}}=\frac{(1-{{\xi }_{i}}){{D}_{ri}}}{(1-{{\xi }_{i}}){{D}_{ri}}+(1-{{\xi }_{o}}){{D}_{ro}}}{{\theta }_{i}} \\ & \therefore {{\theta }_{ba}}=\frac{{{D}_{ro}}}{{{D}_{ba}}}\left[ \frac{(1-{{\xi }_{i}})(1-{{\xi }_{o}}){{D}_{ri}}}{(1-{{\xi }_{i}}){{D}_{ri}}+(1-{{\xi }_{o}}){{D}_{ro}}} \right]{{\theta }_{i}} \\ \end{aligned}\)

    \({{\xi }_{i}}\): Slip ratio for the roller and inner ring (\(0\le {{\xi }_{i}}\le 1\))

    \({{\xi }_{o}}\): Slip ratio for the roller and outer ring (\(0\le {{\xi }_{o}}\le 1\))

  • Each Rendering: The selected mode can be displayed in Each Render mode.