24. MTT2D


Figure 24.1 MTT2D example

MTT2D (Media Transport Toolkit 2D) helps the user efficiently works with complex sophisticated model of flexible media being transported by a mechanical system in the 2D environment. Since MTT2D automates:

  • Tedious model generation processes

  • The generation of relevant output plots (MTT2D improves the efficiency of the simulation process and gives the user time to review and optimize important design parameters.)

  • The basic modeling of a flexible sheet, which can represent paper, film or other flat sheets. Templates for sheet-guiding entities such as idealized rollers and guides are also included.

  • The contact between the media and predefined rollers and guides along the path it follows.

The properly modeling of contact on a flexible sheet is one of the more challenging tasks in multi-body dynamics

MTT2D gives a sheet feeding system designer the breakthrough capability of modeling discrete, flexible sheets or continuous strips that undergo large deformations with linear material properties.