47.1.1. Installation

This chapter presents the various aspects of installing and updating the RecurDyn Linux solver.

System Requirements

The RecurDyn Linux solver supports computers with Intel or AMD processors.

You must be logged in as a super-user in order to install or update the RecurDyn Linux Solver into the recommended top-level directories. However, this documentation can also provide instructions for a local install and usage in your local directories for testing or evaluation purposes that do not require super-user privileges.

Supported Linux Versions

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client 7.3 kernel 3.10.0-514
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.3 kernel 3.10.0-514
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client 8.9 kernel 4.18.0-513
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8.9 kernel 4.18.0-513 Installation Process

A temporary directory is created to hold the installation file (.rpm file). After the installation process the files are placed in /opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>. This type of installation can be referred to as a formal installation in the remainder of this document.

To create a temporary directory

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type the following on the Linux console:

    cd /tmp/
    mkdir rdsolver

To load and install the RecurDyn Solver

  1. Move the** RecurDyn Solver** installation file from the media to the temporary directory:

    cp rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rdsolver/
  2. Change to the temporary directory and run the installation utility:

    cd /tmp/rdsolver/
    rpm -ivh rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm Multi Installation Process

To create a temporary directory

  1. Log in as superuser.

  2. Type the following on the Linux console:

    cd /tmp/
    mkdir rdsolver

To load and install the RecurDyn Solver

  1. Move the RecurDyn Solver installation file from the media to the temporary directory:

    cp rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm /tmp/rdsolver/
  2. Change to the temporary directory and run the installation utility:

    cd /tmp/rdsolver/
    rpm -ivh --replacepkgs --prefix=/temporary directory/rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm Other Installation Processes

To upgrade a current installation

  1. Follow the instructions for an initial installation, as given above, up to the invoking of the RPM command.

  2. Type the following modified rpm command on the Linux console with the current RecurDyn Solver installation file:

    rpm -Uvh rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm

To install to temporary directory instead of the default directory

  1. Follow the instructions for an initial installation, as given above, up to the invoking of the RPM command.

  2. Type the following modified rpm command on the Linux console with the current RecurDyn Solver installation file:

    rpm -ivh --prefix=/temporary directory/rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm

To uninstall the current installation

  1. Move to the installation directory:

    cd /opt/functionbay/<RecurDyn Version>
  2. Uninstall RecurDyn Solver:

    rpm -e rdsolver
    rpm –-erase –-allmatches rdsolver-<RecurDyn Version> (When several versions are installed)


The rpm command unloads the RecurDyn/Solver package to the directory
/opt/functionbay/<CurrentVersion>, which it first creates. The license setup process refers to this same directory. If security restrictions prevent the installation of the RecurDyn Solver at a top level directory, then the combination of the rpm2cpio and cpio command can be used to place the files in a local directory:
rpm2cpio rdsolver-***.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv
This directory structure of opt/functionbay is created within the local directory where the above command was executed. This type of installation is referred to as an informal installation in the remainder of this document.


When a version error occurred, then the “–force” RPM option can install without the error.
Example) If V9R4 version (rdsolver-v9r4-01.Official.x86_64.rpm) is already installed and the user want to install the V9R3 SP1 version (rdsolver-v9r3-02.sp1.x86_64.rpm). Then, the following error occurred.
rpm -ivh rdsolver-v9r3-02.sp1.x86_64.rpm
Preparing… ####################### [100%]
package rdsolver-v9r4-01.Official.x86_64 (which is newer than rdsolver-v9r3-02.sp1.x86_64) is already installed
The following command works in this case.
rpm -ivh –force rdsolver-v9r3-02.sp1.x86_64.rpm