8.5.15. Properties of Section Viewer

It supports settings related to the section viewer window. When the data series type is campbell data, this is displayed on the tree view of model database window. General


Set whether to use section viewer or not. The Section Viewer can be used only when the Plot3D view type is ortho view.

X Value

Set the x value of the section line.

Z Value

Set the z value of the section line.

Section Chart Axis Color

Set the axis color for all section charts.

Section Chart Curve Color

Set the curve color for all section charts. Filter

Filter properties can be used only when the campbell graph is RPM-Order.

User Vold Kalman Filter

Set whether to use the Vold-Kalman filter or not.

Input Type

Set the weight type among the Bandwidth and VK Weight.

Frequency Bandwidth

Set the value for the frequency bandwidth.

Weight Factor

Set the value for the weight factor.

Number of Pole

Set the number of pole among Two and Three.


Update the section viewer.

Order Line (Vold-Kalman Filter)

It shows the second generation Vold-Kalman Filter result which is an order tracking algorithm based on bandwidth pass filter. It is only enabled in the RPM-Order Section View. If the check box is checked, then the RPM-Magnitude and Phase angle plots are the Vold-Kalman Filter result (X axis: the reference rotational velocity [RPM], Y axis: Magnitude and Phase of Vold-Kalman Filter result). If the check box is unchecked, then the RPM-Magnitude and Phase angle plots are interpolation result of the 2D map. For more information, refer to the Vold-Kalman Filter.

  • Frequency Bandwidth: It is a bandwidth option of the Vold-Kalman Filter. The default value is set to the Delta Frequency parameter in Analysis Tab of the Campbell Diagram dialog. The bandwidth value should be positive real number.

  • VK Weighting Factor: It is the Vold-Kalman Filter weighting factor. The relation of the Frequency Bandwidth (bw) and the VK Weighting Factor(r) is approximated to below equation. The factor value should be positive real number.

    2-Pole: \({{b}_{w}}=\frac{{{f}_{s}}}{2\pi }(1.58{{r}^{-0.5}})\)

    3-Pole: \({{b}_{w}}=\frac{{{f}_{s}}}{2\pi }(1.70{{r}^{-1.0/3.0}})\)

    Where, \(f_s\) is the Sampling Frequency of the Campbell source data.

    If the radio button is checked to the VK Weighting Factor, then you-input VK Weighting Factor is directly used for computing the Vold-Kalman Filter. If the radio button is checked to the Frequency Bandwidth, then the solver calculates the Vold-Kalman Weighting Factor using above equation and use it.

  • Number of Poles: It can be select the number of pole of the Vold-Kalman Filter. 2 and 3 Poles are available. Default is 2-pole option. Section Line

Show Section Line

Set whether to show or hide the section line.

Line Color

Set the section line color.

Line Thickness

Set the section line thickness.

Line Style

Set the section line style.