
The user can graph output data using XY Plot in output library. A XY Plot block draws x-y plot that x data are upper input data and y data are lower input data.


Figure 20.51 XYPlot window

  • Import/Export: Allows to import and export measured data using this command.

  • Copy to Clipboard: Exports in different formats, including Bitmap, Metafile and Text (data only).

  • Gallery Style: Applies various chart types, widely used Line, Curve, Scatter, Area, Area-Curve, Bar and Step.

  • Zoom: Allows using zoom effects.

  • Fit

  • 3D/2D: Allows be viewing in 2D or 3D, and rotating to specific angles and perspectives.

  • Rotated View

  • Rotate Around Y Axis

  • Rotate Around X Axis

  • Clustered(Z-Axis)

  • Delete selected Curve

  • Axes Settings: To set up more option, please double click each axis.

    • Y Axis: Setting up Grid and Interlaced.

    • X Axis: Setting up Grid, Vertical Labels, Staggered and Show Labels.

  • Legend Box: Shows the Legend Box on the Chart.

  • Properties: Generalizes of the Chart Toolbar. Refer to Chart Properties.

  • Hold previous data: Allows holding the previous plotting data.