9.7.10. FE Sets and Components

A set is a group of FE entities and it is useful because there are so many FE entities to select from in a typical FE mesh.
The user can create node sets, element sets and patch sets, which are easier to select than the individual entities.
A component is a group of the same element type or the same property.
  • If two or more elements have the same type, then the element component is created automatically.

  • This is also true of property components.

Sets and components, once created, are selectively displayed using the Display command. Node Set


Figure 9.104 Node Set dialog box

  • Color: Select a color to the node set.

  • Add/Remove: Select nodes to add or remove for a node set.

  • Add/Remove (Continuous): Select a patch or line to add or remove continuously with its own patch or line continuity in the angle tolerance for a node set.

    • Tolerance (Degree): Defines an angle tolerance to check patch or line continuity.

    • Check Reverse Direction: If this option is checked, nodes are selected regardless to normal direction of patches or lines in the angle tolerance.

    • Type Patch: Select a patch then continuously connected patches are added, and the nodes of the patches are selected.

    • Type Line: Select a line then continuously connected lines are added, and the nodes of the lines are selected.

  • Add by Patch Set: Select a patch set to add to a node set. The node set defines all nodes of the selected patch set.

  • Add by Element Set: Select an element set to add to a node set. The node set defines all nodes of the selected element set.

  • Add by Line Set: Select a line set to add to a node set. The node set defines all nodes of the selected line set.

  • Add by Multi FDR: Select multi FDR element to add to a node set. The node set defines all primary node of the selected FDR element.

  • Add by Node IDs: Selects nodes to add or remove by Node IDs.


    Figure 9.105 Range of Node ID dialog box

    • Initialize before Add: If this option is checked, initialize selected nodes.

    • Specific: Selects nodes by specific node ids with “-” and “,”.

    • Simple Rule: Selects nodes with Start ID, Increment, No. of Selection.

    • Start ID: Shows the starting node ID.

    • Increment: Shows the increment of node ID.

    • No. of Selection: Shows the number of selected node.

  • No. of Nodes: Show the number of nodes included in the node set. Patch Set


Figure 9.106 Patch Set dialog box

  • Color: Selects a color to the patch set.

  • Add/Remove: Selects patches to add or remove for a patch set.

  • Add/Remove (Continuous): Selects a patch to add or remove for a patch set. RecurDyn/FFlex determines continuity of patches by Tolerance.

    • Tolerance (Degree): Defines an angle tolerance to check patch continuity.

    • Check Reverse Direction: If this option is checked, patches are selected regardless to normal direction of patches in the angle tolerance.

  • Add/Remove (Select Front): Selects patches in front of the view direction to add or remove for a patch set.

  • Add (Node Set): Selects a node set to add for a patch set. The patch set is defined patches of the selected node set.

  • Add by Node IDs: Selects nodes to add or remove by Node IDs.


    Figure 9.107 Range of Node ID dialog box

    • Initialize before Add: If this option is checked, initialize selected nodes.

    • Specific: Selects nodes by specific node ids with “-” and “,”.

    • Simple Rule: Selects nodes with Start ID, Increment, No. of Selection.

    • Start ID: Shows the starting node ID.

    • Increment: Shows the increment of node ID.

    • No. of Selection: Shows the number of selected node.

  • Tolerance: Defines the tolerance to determine continuity of patches.

  • Preview Normal: Previews the normal direction of the patch set.

  • Normal Adjust: Adjusts the normal direction of the patch set.

    • Automatic

      • Auto Adjust: Adjusts the normal direction of the patch set automatically.

      • Switch: Switches from the normal direction of the patch set to the opposite direction.

    • Manual

      • Select Target: Selects the targeted patch set manually.

      • Switch: Switches from the normal direction of the targeted patch set to the opposite direction.


      Figure 9.108 Using Select Target in Manual

  • No. of Patch: Shows the number of patches included in the patch set. Element Set


Figure 9.109 Element Set dialog box

  • Color: Selects a color to the element set.

  • Add/Remove: Selects elements to add or remove for an element set.

  • Add/Remove (Continuous): Selects a patch to add or remove continuously with its own patch continuity in the angle tolerance for an element set.

    • Tolerance (Degree): Defines an angle tolerance to check patch continuity.

    • Check Reverse Direction: If this option is checked, elements are selected regardless to normal direction of patches in the angle tolerance.

  • Add by Element IDs: Selects elements to add or remove by Element IDs.


    Figure 9.110 Range of Element ID dialog box

    • Initialize before Add: If this option is checked, initialize selected elements.

    • Specific: Selects elements by specific element ids with “-” and “,”.

    • Simple Rule: Selects elements with Start ID, Increment, No. of Selection.

    • Start ID: Shows the starting element ID.

    • Increment: Shows the increment of element ID.

    • No. of Selection: Shows the number of selected element.

  • No. of Elements: Show the number of elements included in the element set. Line Set


Figure 9.111 Line Set dialog box

  • Color: Selects a color to the line set.

  • Add/Remove: Selects lines to add or remove for a line set.

  • Add/Remove (Continuous): Selects a line to add or remove for a line set. RecurDyn/FFlex determines continuity of lines by Tolerance.

  • Add by Node IDs: Selects nodes to add or remove by Node IDs.


    Figure 9.112 Range of Node ID dialog box

    • Initialize before Add: If this option is checked, initialize selected nodes.

    • Specific: Selects nodes by specific node ids with “-” and “,”.

    • Simple Rule: Selects nodes with Start ID, Increment, No. of Selection.

    • Start ID: Shows the starting node ID.

    • Increment: Shows the increment of node ID.

    • No. of Selection: Shows the number of selected node.

  • Tolerance: Defines the tolerance to determine continuity of lines.

  • Preview Tangential: Previews the tangential direction of the line set.

  • Tangential Adjust: Adjusts the tangential direction of the line set.

    • Automatic

      • Auto Adjust: Adjusts the tangential direction of the line set automatically.

      • Switch: Switches from the tangential direction of the line set to the opposite direction.

    • Manual

      • Select Target: Selects the targeted line set manually.

      • Switch: Switches from the tangential direction of the targeted line set to the opposite direction.


        Figure 9.113 Using Select Target in Manual

  • No. of Line: Shows the number of lines included in the line set.