2.6. List of File Extensions

RecurDyn creates many custom file extensions. Below are the file extensions created by RecurDyn.

  • ACS: It contains the scope data for RecurDyn/Acoustics toolkit.

  • AMMX: It contains the Min. and Max. ERP data for contour on a flexible body for Acoustics toolkit.

  • ARD: It contains the ERP contour data on a flexible body for RecurDyn/Acoustics toolkit

  • BIN: It contains the exported RecurDyn User Materials.

  • CLB: It is the CoLink Block File. It contains the appearance and parameters of the block.

  • CLL: It is the CoLink Model File. It contains the CoLink model data in an ascii (text) format.

  • CON: It is the contact output file. It contains the contact output result based on the contact output reference.

  • DBK: It contains all of body data of the converting file to read in RecurDyn/Solver from the RMD file. (After performing the simulation successfully, it is deleted at the end of simulation.)

  • DNSRD: It is RecurDyn nodal static stress file. It is created through Pre-Stress function.

  • DSRD: It is Fatigue Analysis calculated result file.

  • ERD: It contains the strain recovery data. Without this file, the user cannot acquire the recover data and see the strain type contour animation.

  • ERP: It contains the ERP data for Acoustics toolkit.

  • FCP: It contains the contacted patch information and the contact pressure. This file is used to see the Contour result.

  • FDC: It contains the RFlex damping coefficients of all modes.

  • FIS: It is Fuzzy Inference Systems file. The FIS file contains all the necessary information to describe the Fuzzy logic controller.

  • FPLT: It is RecurDyn FRA Plot Database File. It contains the FRA simulation result. The user can import the FRA results as the data from the fplt file. To see the FPLT file, the FRA Plot function should be used.

  • FRF: It contains the Frequency Response Function Data for TSG Toolkit.

  • FRQ: It is the Eigenvalue Analysis result file. It contains an undamped natural frequency or a damped natural frequency for all modes on the time step.

  • GMM: It is the Gear Meta Model file. It contains the table data of gear force for dynamic analysis.

  • GSTRN: It contains the plastic strains at gauss points. It is used for calculating plastic strains.

  • GSTRS: It contains the plastic stresses at gauss points. It is used for calculating plastic stresses.

  • ICF: It is Initial Condition file. It is required in order to use the Restart Function.

  • INF: It contains the input debug information for RecurDyn/Solver. (After performing the simulation successfully, it is deleted at the end of simulation.)

  • LOG: It contains the solver version information and additional solver information.

  • MLC: It is modal load case information file.

  • MMX: It contains the minimum and maximum values of stress and strain of RFlex and FFlex bodies for each time step. It is used to see the Contour result.

  • MSG: It is a solver message file. It contains some feedback about options that were used in the simulation. To see the information, open the msg file and search for the string “SOLVER Information”.

  • OPT: It is the OPT configuration file. It provides R**ecurDyn Linux solver** with the information to find the SPI Coupling SO file.

  • OUT: It contains the initial conditions and eigenvalue outputs.

  • PLOT: It is the plot result file.

  • PND: It is the Node Search Result file. It contains the original and projected position of searched nodes as a text file.

  • RAN: It contains the animation result for analysis. In case of the standalone solver, the RAD file does not exist because there is no RecurDyn/Modeler. Therefore, the RAN file should be created the animation results. In the case of FFlex/RFlex, the rfa file is created when import the ran file. The RPLT file related to the RAN file is imported automatically.

  • RBAK: It is RecurDyn model backup File. Its file name contains the RecurDyn version information of the generated *.rdyn file. For example, if Model1.rdyn is opened, Model1_RecurDynVersion.rbak is created.

  • RCF: It is simply the rss file with the name of the rmd file added to the first line.

  • RDBD: It contains a body definition from a model.

  • RDF: It is the RecurDyn Road File. It contains a road data that is created in Ground Mode. Road Data File (RDF) has two types. One is a RecurDyn Generated Road File format, the other is a user-defined Road file format.

  • RDP: It contains the design parameters for performing Parametric Study. It includes the name of the RPP and the RDV file.

  • RDS: It is a shell(batch) file which includes setting path and calling RecurDyn/Solver.

  • RDSB: It is RecurDyn Subsystem File.

  • RDYN: It is RecurDyn model file.

  • RDX: XML formatted RecurDyn model file.

  • REQ: It contains the result data about defined requests.

  • RFA: It contains the displacement data for Flexible. The user can see the displacement contour without this file, although it takes long time to play an animation. In the case of FFlex/RFlex, it is created when importing the ran file.

  • RFT: It contains the temperature data for Flexible. Without this file, the user cannot see the temperature contour. This file is automatically imported when user import the ran file.

  • RFI: It is RecurDyn RFlex Input file.

  • RMD: It is RecurDyn Model Data file. It contains all the model data that are used by RecurDyn/Solver to run a simulation in an ascii (text) format.

  • RPA: It is RecurDyn particle animation data file. It is created when simulating the particle model. It contained particle set, position, radius, color information and result data.

  • RPI: It is performance index output file. It contains the result data about performance indexes for performing Parametric Study.

  • RPLT: It is RecurDyn Plot Database file. It contains the result data for Plot and Scope. The user can import the results as the data from the rplt file, which is created when the analysis is carried out.

  • RPLX: It is RecurDyn Chart Setting XML file. The user can import the template file as the settings for Chart from the rplx file, which is created by exporting.

  • RPMX: It contains the solver commands with the path of animation result files. If user want to simulate multi-analysis using the scenario analysis, it helps to check animation result. It needs that RAN file creation option to be checked.

  • RPP: It is RecurDyn Parametric Point file.

  • RPV: It is *RecurDyn Parametric Value* file.

  • RSS: It is RecurDyn Scenario Script file. It contains the information of the simulation process. You can export and import a scenario to *.rss file.

  • RST: It is the exported string file.

  • RTL: It is the Temperature Load file.

  • RWA: It is created by the particle solver for RecurDyn post processing of wall data.

  • SRD: It contains the stress recovery data. Without this file, the user cannot acquire the recover data and see the stress type contour animation.

  • TAI: It contains the First Drive Signal data for TSG toolkit.

  • TARGET: It is Target file for TSG toolkit.

  • TIR: It is the Tire property file.

  • TPF: It is for exporting and importing the Tire Property information.

  • TSG: It is the TSG Result file.