Sunshine Input File

When Eigen Solver is set to Sunshine, this supports a *.dat file generated by the RFlexGen. This option can directly perform the Sunshine solver with user-selected and user-edited input file.


Figure 11.42 Mesh Data Type –Sunshine Input File Sunshine’s Own Input File Command

  • RDYNRFI( <OPTIONS> )=YES : is the main command for generating the RFI. The followings show the options. (The default option is set to bold.)

    • CHECKRFI=NO: If the “YES” is written, then Sunshine makes a text file including the RFI information. If the NO is written, then there is no text file.

    • RMIDNODE=NO: A RFI file size reduction option. If “YES” is written and parabolic elements exist in the model, then the information related mid-node is not written in the RFI file. If NO is written, then there is no reduction.

    • RMSHAPE=NoZeroTerm: A RFI file size reduction option. If NoZeroTerm is written and solid elements exist in the model, then the zero values in the Rotational Mode Shape are not written in the RFI file. If “FULL” is written, then there is no reduction for the rotational mode shape.

    • OUTGSTRS=YES: Stress shape option. (YES and “NO”)

    • OUTGSTRN=YES: Strain shape option. (YES and “NO”)

    • SHELSTRS=BOTH: Surface option of stress shape for the Shell element. (“TOP”, “BOTTOM”, “MIDDLE”, and BOTH). The “BOTH” means that Top and Bottom information.

    • SHELSTRN=BOTH: Surface option of strain shape for the Shell element. (“TOP”, “BOTTOM”, “MIDDLE”, and BOTH). The “BOTH” means that Top and Bottom information.

  • RDSTRESS=ALL: RecurDyn/RFlexGen always writes this command. This command is needed for computing the grid point stress.

  • RDSTRAIN=ALL: RecurDyn/RFlexGen always writes this command. This command is needed for computing the grid point strain.

  • RMETHOD=<EIGRL_ID>: This command is needed to calculate the Fixed Interface Normal Mode of the CMS analysis theory.

  • RIGID=LAGRAN: RecurDyn/RFlexGen always writes this command. This command allows the reference node of the RBE3 element can be set to an interface node for the CMS analysis.

  • PARAM,RBEFAIL,NO: RecurDyn/RFlexGen always writes this command. This option makes to avoid a singularity check of the RBE3 element.

  • PARAM,GEOMCHK,INFORM: RecurDyn/RFlexGen always writes this command. This command writes mesh quality information in the *.INFO file when some violations (Aspect Ratio, etc.) are detected.


The user can refer about the input file information of the Sunshine in the directory (<Install Dir>\Toolkits\Sunshine\sunshine\doc\qrg.pdf).