17.2.2. Vibration Shape Animation

The user can check the Vibration Shape animation at the selecting frequency.


Figure 17.4 Animation dialog box

  • Patch Set : Selects a Patch-Set for displaying animation and a target frequency.

    • Use : is a radio button for the target patch set.

    • Frequency : Shows the selected target freuqncy.

    • “…” button : Selects the target frequency on the Vibration Animation Condition dialog box.


      Figure 17.5 Vibration Animation Condition dialog box

  • Animation

    • Frame per Cycle : Selects the number of animation frames. The first and last frame is the same configuration. The default value is 31.

    • Amplitude Factor : Selects the amplitude factor. The default value is 1.0.

  • Make Animation : Calculates the animation data.

  • Export : Makes CSV file including the node positions.


    Figure 17.6 The result of the Export function

  • Play/Stop : Shows the Vibration Shape animation.

    • Slider Bar and Edit Box : Selects the animation frame.

    • Repeat : Selects the number of repeating count.