7.4.4. Force

The lists of Force include the result set about all forces except for a tire force.


Figure 7.91 Definition of force plot data

  • FM_ForceType: The magnitude of the translational force acting at the action marker.

  • FX_ForceType, FY_ForceType, FZ_ForceType:

    • Translational, Rotational and Screw forces: The x, y, and z components of the translational force acting at the action marker in the reference frame of the RM marker.


    • The other forces: The x, y, and z components of the translational force acting at the action marker in the reference frame of base marker.


  • TM_ForceType: The magnitude of the torque acting at the action marker.

  • TX_ForceType, TY_ForceType, TZ_ForceType:

    • Translational, Rotational and Screw forces: The x, y, and z components of the torque acting at the action marker in the reference frame of the RM marker.


    • The other forces: The x, y, and z components of the torque acting at the action marker in the reference frame of base marker.


  • DEFL_TSDA: The difference of the original length and a distance between the base marker and the action marker can be computed as following equation:


  • DEFRZ_RSDA: The difference of original angle and a relative angle between the base marker and the action marker can be computed as following equation:
