Export Data

The user can export plot data from the Plot Database to the Export Data dialog box using Drag & Drop. If the user wants to associate an exported data with the simulation time, the user should export the TIME component.


Figure 7.6 Export Data dialog box

The user can also export data in the Plot Database. Click the right mouse button and several options appear. Choose Export Data on right-click menu.

  • Export List: Displays the list of added plot data

  • Index: When the user exports multiple rplt files, Index identifies them. The value is zero-based.


    Figure 7.7 Index in database window

  • Change Index: Changes the index number of selected components at Export List.

  • Remove: Deletes the components from Export List.

  • Export List: Exports the export list as a file.


    Figure 7.8 Format of the exported list

  • Import List: Imports the previously saved export list file.

  • Export data with name: If this option is checked, writes the name of components to the file.


    Figure 7.9 Export data with name

  • Export data with scientific notation (ex, 1.23e+001): If this option is checked, writes numbers to the file as the scientific notation.


    Figure 7.10 Export data with scientific notation

  • Significant digits for export: The user can change significant digits. The default value is 8.


    Figure 7.11 Change significant digits as 15

  • Export Data: Click this button after setting the above option.