8.5.11. Properties of Plot3D

It supports settings related to the plot3D window. General


Show the plot 3D name.

Chart Title

Set the title of the selected Plot3D.

Data Series Type

Show the data series type among General and CampbellData.

View Type

Set the view type of the Plot3D among Normal and OrthoView.

Xyz Gizmo

Set whether to show or hide the xyz gizmo.

Coordinate System

Set the coordinate system among LeftHanded and RightHanded.


Set the background color of the Plot3D. Palette


Set the color for the drawn series.

Custom Palette

Set you-defined color for the drawn series. This function is available when Palette is set to Custom. Axis Plane Label Visible Mode

Xy Plane

Set the visible mode of the x-y plane among Both, Hidden, Local X and Local Y.

Zx Plane

Set the visible mode of the z-x plane among Both, Hidden, Local X and Local Y.

Zy Plane

Set the visible mode of the z-y plane among Both, Hidden, Local X and Local Y. Title Style


Set the position of the chart title among Left, Center, and Right.


Set the font for the chart title.

Font Size

Set the font size for the chart title. The size can be set from 1 to 50.

Font Weight

Set the font weight for the chart title.

Font Style

Set the font style for the chart title.

Font Color

Set the font color for the chart title. Legend

Display Mode

Set the display mode of the legend among All Series, All Visible Series, Selected Series, and Un selected Series.


Set the orientation of the legend contents between Horizontal and Vertical when there are two or more series.


Set the position of the legend.

Horizontal Alignment

Align the legend horizontally with an option among Left, Center and Right.

Vertical Alignment

Align the legend vertically with an option among Top, Center and Bottom.

Show Checkbox

Set whether to show or hide the checkbox inside the legend.

Show Legend

Set whether to show or hide the legend.

Show Series

Set whether to show or hide the series inside the legend.


Set the background color of the legend.

Border Color

Set the border color of the legend.

Border Thickness

Set the border thickness of the legend. The sequence of the four sides of the legend is left, top, right, bottom. User could also set them all at once equally by setting a single number. The thickness can be set from 0 to 50.

Left: Set the left border thickness of the legend.

Top: Set the top border thickness of the legend.

Right: Set the right border thickness of the legend.

Bottom: Set the bottom border thickness of the legend.


Set transparency for the background of the legend. It can be set from 0 to 100.


Set the font for the legend.

Font Size

Set the font size for the legend. The size can be set from 1 to 50.

Font Weight

Set the font weight for the legend.

Font Style

Set the font style for the legend.

Font Color

Set the font color for the legend. Tooltip


Set whether to use tooltip or not for data and axis labels. Contour Legend


Set whether to use contour legend or not.

Legend Colors

Set the legend colors for surface mesh series and contour legend.


Set whether to use the stepped legend colors or not.


Set the legend box position among Right, Left, Top, and Bottom.

Min/MaxLabel Only

Set whether to show only minimum and maximum of the label or not.


Set the font for the axis label in the legend box.

Font Size

Set the font size for the axis label in the legend box.

Font Color

Set the font color for the axis label in the legend box.

Number Format

Set the number of decimal places to be displayed for each coordinate value. Example (n2, e2…)