33.1.2. System Component Builder

In the System Component Builder Dialog, the user can specify the component that can be created.

  1. Click the Component icon of the Piston group in the Piston tab. The user can see the Piston System Component Builder dialog box.


    Figure 33.10 Piston System Component Builder dialog box

    • The red box in above dialog is explained in detail in the manual of Geometric Entities including an Engine Block, Con-rods, Piston Pins, Pistons.

  2. The user can select components, which the user needs to create.

  3. For Bearings, there are three types of bearing such as Bushing, EHD and Constraint type.

  4. Engine can be mounted by Fixed Joint only.

  5. After checking the check box in the above figure, click Material, and then you can confirm and input the information about Center Marker Position, Mass and Inertia Moment of the component you selected.


    Figure 33.11 Material Property

  6. When all data are confirmed, the selected components are automatically created and updated at the database.