5.8.3. Example

Application Model (suspension.rdyn)


Figure 5.78 Model File


If the user wants to run this model using Design Parameter Study, the user can refer it in the directory (<install dir>\Help\DP_Study\**).

  1. Export Design Parameter File

    1. Define Design Parameter by checking DP.


      Figure 5.79 Parametric Point dialog box

    2. Export the *.rdp file in Export dialog box.


      Figure 5.80 Export dialog box

      • File name: DP_1.rdp

      • Created files: DP_1.rdp and DP_1.rpp

  2. Export the RSS File

    1. Define the Scenario file: Refer to Scenario Files.


      Figure 5.81 Scenario Analysis dialog box

    2. Export the *.rss file.

      • File Name: DP.rss

        HMAX = 0.01, ERR = 0.005, NDA = 0.8
        SIM/DYN, END = 18, STEP = 18
  3. Create the Batch File

    Refer to Batch Simulation and Convert Design Parameter.

    • File Name: DP.bat

      mkdir out
      ConvertDP /convert Dp_1.rdp T=165,335,28"
      <install dir>\bin\recurdyn.exe" "suspension.rdyn" /rdp DP_1.rdp /rssDp.rss /out out\out1 /show
      ConvertDP /convert Dp_1.rdp T=165,335,30"
      <install dir>\bin\recurdyn.exe" "suspension.rdyn" /rdp DP_1.rdp /rssDp.rss /out out\out2 /show
      • Change the value of the T by using the ConvertDP.exe

        165,335,28 -> 165,335,30

  4. Execute the Batch File

    Double-click DP.bat. The result files are created in the ‘out’ folder.

  5. Plotting

    1. Import the *.rplt file.

      • out1.rplt

      • out2.rplt


        Figure 5.82 Import dialog box

    2. Select an entity in the Plot Database Window.


      Figure 5.83 Plot Database Window

    3. Click Multi Draw icon of the Draw group in the Home tab. The plot curves appear.

      • Plot Curves


        Figure 5.84 Plot Curve