34.2.4. SwingArm - ArmPivot/HLA Type


Figure 34.120 SwingArm – ArmPivot/HLA Properties


Figure 34.121 Swing Arm property page

  • Ref Parametric Marker: Controls the position of Swing Arm. It is also special parametric marker (SPM).

  • Type of Swing Arm: Selects the type of Swing Arm. It defines the connection method between multi bodies.

  • Material Type: Selects a material type. Three method are supported. For more information, click here.

  • Swing Arm Geometry Property: Defines some geometry data and property data for Swing Arm. Cam Roller and Slipper types are supported and the type can be selected in Valve Global Data dialog box.

  • Each Rendering: The selected mode can be displayed in Each Render mode. Swing Arm Geometry Type


Figure 34.122 SwingArm [CamRoller – ArmPivot/HLA] Property dialog box [CamRoller – AdjustScrew Type]


Figure 34.123 Geometric Information

  • Arm Thickness for Cam Side: Defines a thickness of arm for Cam Side.

  • Arm Length: Defines a length of arm for Valve Side.

  • Arm Thickness: Defines a thickness of arm for Valve Side.

  • AS Diameter: Defines a diameter of Adjust Screw.

  • VS Width: Defines a width of Valve Slipper.

  • VS Length: Defines a length of Valve Slipper.

  • VS Depth: Defines a depth of Valve Slipper.


Figure 34.124 Geometric Information for ArmPivot Holder

  • ArmPivot Holder

    • Reference SPV

    • Holder Radius: Defines an inner radius of ArmPivot Holder.

    • Holder Radius Vertical Offset: Defines a vertical offset for center of arc.

    • Holder Radius Horizontal Offset: Defines a horizontal offset for center of arc.

    • Holder Outer Radius: Defines an outer radius of ArmPivot Holder.

    • Holder Offset Height: Defines a height offset for ArmPivot Holder.

    • Bottom Height of Holder Contact: Defines a bottom height to contact.

    • Top Height of Holder Contact: Defines a top height to contact. CamRoller Type


Figure 34.125 SwingArm [CamRoller – ArmPivot/HLA] Property dialog box

All data for Cam Roller, Cam Roller Shaft, and Cam Roller Shaft Bearing are same to CamRoller Type of Rocker Arm Geometry Property. Slipper Type


Figure 34.126 SwingArm [Slipper – ArmPivot/HLA] Property dialog box

All data for Slipper are same to Slipper Type of Rocker Arm Geometry Type.