PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine)

The PMSM block implements a 3-phases permanent magnet excited synchronous motor. This model assumes that the flux generated by the permanent magnets is sinusoidal, which implies that the electromotive forces are also sinusoidal. The DC machine block implements a series-connected or a shunt-connected DC motors.


Figure 20.148 PMSM Motor

Dialog Box


Figure 20.149 PMSM dialog box

Table 20.85 Electrical Parameter

Parameter Name



Voltage Constant



Stator Resistance


Stator resistance. [ohms]

Inductance d-Axis


The d-Axis inductance. [H]

Inductance q-Axis


The q-Axis Inductance. [H]

Pole Pair Number

The number of pole pairs. In Figure2, the value of Pairs of Poles is ‘4’.

Initial Current d-Axis


Initial value of d-Axis current.

Initial Current q-Axis


Initial value of q-Axis current.

Table 20.86 Mechanical Parameter

Parameter Name



Exclude Rotor / Include Rotor

Select the type of Motor between Exclude Rotor and Include Rotor. The more detail explanation of two types is in the Equation of PMDC.

Rotor Inertia


Inertia of rotor. This parameter don`t need on the Rotor Speed type. You can find the inertia of rotor in the datasheet. [kg*m^2]

Friction Gain


Viscous friction gain between motor and load. When you apply the friction between the motor and the load in your dynamic model, you have to set this value to ‘0’. [Nms]

Friction Offset


Viscous friction Offset between motor and load ( \(B\omega\) + offset). When you apply the friction between the motor and the load in your dynamic model, you have to set this value to ‘0’. [Nm]

Rotor Initial Speed


Initial value of rotor speed. Set this value to ‘0’ if you don`t know it. [rad/s] Input and Output of PMSM

Exclude Rotor (RD Cosim) Type


Figure 20.150 Input Port and Output Port of Rotor Speed Type

Table 20.87 Input Signals


Input Signal


1st Port

Rotor Angle


The Rotor Angle. [rad]

Rotor Speed


The Rotor Angular Speed. This value is a differential of Rotor Angl. [rad/s]

2nd Port

Phase A Voltage


The Phase A Voltage. [V]

Phase B Voltage


The Phase B Voltage. [V]

Phase C Voltage


The Phase C Voltage. [V]

Table 20.88 Output Signals


Output Signal


1st Port

Rotor Angle


The Rotor Angle. [rad]

Rotor Speed


The Rotor Angular Speed. [rad/s]

Stator Current of Phase A


The Stator Current of Phase A. [A]

Stator Current of Phase B


The Stator Current of Phase B. [A]

Stator Current of Phase C


The Stator Current of Phase C. [A]

Stator Current of d-Axis


The Stator Current of d-Axis. [A]

Stator Current of q-Axis


The Stator Current of q-Axis. [A]

Stator Voltage of d-Axis


The Stator Voltage of d-Axis. [V]

Stator Voltage of q-Axis


The Stator Voltage of q-Axis. [V]

Electrical Torque


The Generated electrical torque. [N.m]

2nd Port

Control Signals

This signal is used when you control the motor use the PMSM Drive block. When you use the PMSM Machine block, this port does npt export any signal.

3rd Port

Driving Torque


The driving torque \({{T}_{d}}\) subtracts the viscous friction of rotor from the electrical torque \({{T}_{e}}\). The more detail explanation of this is in the Rotor Speed part of the Equation of PMDC. [N.m]



Figure 20.151 Example of Rotor Speed Type

Include Rotor (Standalone) Type


Figure 20.152 Input Port and Output Port of Load Torque Type

Table 20.89 Input Signals


Input Signal


1st Port

Load Torque


The Load Torque. This value is used to calculate the Driving Torque in the Load Torque Type. [N]

2nd Port

Phase A Voltage


The Phase A Voltage. [V]

Phase B Voltage


The Phase B Voltage. [V]

Phase C Voltage


The Phase C Voltage. [V]

Table 20.90 Output Signals


Output Signal


1st Port

Rotor Angle


The Rotor Angle. [rad]

Rotor Speed


The Rotor Angular Speed. [rad/s]

Stator Current of Phase A


The Stator Current of Phase A. [A]

Stator Current of Phase B


The Stator Current of Phase B. [A]

Stator Current of Phase C


The Stator Current of Phase C. [A]

Stator Current of d-Axis


The Stator Current of d-Axis. [A]

Stator Current of q-Axis


The Stator Current of q-Axis. [A]

Stator Voltage of d-Axis


The Stator Voltage of d-Axis. [V]

Stator Voltage of q-Axis


The Stator Voltage of q-Axis. [V]

Electrical Torque


The Generated electrical torque. [N.m]

2nd Port

Control Signals

This signal is used when you control the motor use the PMSM Driver block. When you use the PMSM Machine block, this port does not export any signal.

3rd Port

Rotational Velocity

Rotor Rotational Velocity. [rad/s]



Figure 20.153 Example of Load Torque Type Equation of PMSM

Electrical Part

The voltage balance equation is as follows.

\(\begin{aligned} & {{V}_{d}}={{L}_{d}}\frac{d{{I}_{d}}}{dt}+R{{i}_{d}}-p{{\omega }_{m}}{{L}_{q}}{{i}_{q}} \\ & {{V}_{q}}={{L}_{q}}\frac{d{{I}_{q}}}{dt}+R{{i}_{q}}+p{{\omega }_{m}}{{\varphi }_{m}}+p{{\omega }_{m}}{{L}_{d}}{{i}_{d}} \\ & {{T}_{e}}=1.5p\left[ {{\varphi }_{m}}{{i}_{q}}+({{L}_{d}}-{{L}_{q}}){{i}_{d}}{{i}_{q}} \right] \\ \end{aligned}\)

where the variables means:

Table 20.91 variables




d-axis voltage


q-axis voltage


d-axis current


q-axis current


d-axis inductance


q-axis inductance


Resistance of stator windings


Angular velocity of the rotor


Flux induced by the permanent magnets

Mechanical Part

For more information, refer to Equation of PMDC.