Ribbons User Guide Simulation Tab

The Simulation tab consists of the related functions with simulation as Simulation Event, Time Analysis, and Bode Analysis.


Figure 20.13 Simulation Tab

Simulation Event

  • Pre/Post Event

    • Pre-Event


      Figure 20.14 Pre-Event tab of the Pre/Post Event dialog box

      • Use Event: If this option is checked, you can use Pre-Event. If this option is not checked, you cannot use Pre-Event.

      • Function Name: Displays the name of Pre-Event. Its name must be ‘JlPreEventFunction’.

      • Code Editor: Inputs the code of Pre-Event.

      • Test: Performs the inputted code of Code Editor on trial. The result of test is displayed by Output.

      • Export: Exports the inputted code of Code Editor as *.c file or *.jl file.

      • Import: Imports the c code or JL code of the selecting file to Code Editor.

      • Output: Displays the result of Test or error messages.


      Figure 20.15 Pre-Event tab of the Pre/Post Event dialog box for Python

      • Use Event: If this option is checked, you can use Pre-Event. If this option is not checked, you cannot use Pre-Event.

      • Function Name: Displays the name of Pre-Event. Its name must be ‘PyPreEventFunction’.

      • Code Editor: Inputs the code of Pre-Event.

      • Test: Performs the inputted code of Code Editor on trial. The result of test is displayed by Output.

      • Export: Exports the inputted code of Code Editor as *.py file.

      • Import: Imports the py code of the selecting file to Code Editor.

      • Output: Displays the result of Test or error messages.

    • Post-Event


      Figure 20.16 Post-Event tab of the Pre/Post Event dialog box for Julia

      • Use Event: If this option is checked, you can use Post-Event. If this option is not checked, you cannot use Post-Event.

      • Function Name: Displays the name of Post-Event. Its name must be ‘JlPostEventFunction’.

      • Code Editor: Inputs the code of Post-Event.

      • Test: Performs the inputted code of Code Editor on trial. The result of test is displayed by Output.

      • Export: Exports the inputted code of Code Editor as *.c file or *.jl file.

      • Import: Imports the C code or JL code of the selecting file to Code Editor.

      • Output: Displays the result of Test or error messages.


      Figure 20.17 Post-Event tab of the Pre/Post Event dialog box for Python

      • Use Event: If this option is checked, you can use Post-Event. If this option is not checked, you cannot use Post-Event.

      • Function Name: Displays the name of Post-Event. Its name must be ‘PyPostEventFunction’.

      • Code Editor: Inputs the code of Post-Event.

      • Test: Performs the inputted code of Code Editor on trial. The result of test is displayed by Output.

      • Export: Exports the inputted code of Code Editor as *.py file.

      • Import: Imports the py code of the selecting file to Code Editor.

      • Output: Displays the result of Test or error messages.

Time Analysis

  • Start: Starts the simulation

  • Stop: Stops the simulation

  • End Time: Sets the end time of simulation.

  • Parameter: Sets parameters for the simulation. For more information, click here.

  • Type: Selects a type as Fixed-step or Variable-step or RecurDyn. For more information, click here

  • Solver: Selects a supported solver. For more information, click here


    Figure 20.18 Type & Solver

Bode Analysis

  • Run Bode: Performs a bode analysis. Refer to Bode.

  • Parameters

  • Target of Bode Analysis

  • Select Block

  • CoLink Block for Bode Analysis


    Figure 20.19 Target of Bode Analysis & CoLink Block for Bode Analysis

  • Post

    • Bode Plot

    • State Matrix

Script Type
  • Python Script: Embedding Python is similar to extending it, but not quite. The difference is that when you extend Python, the main program of the application is still the Python interpreter, while if you embed Python, the main program may have nothing to do with Python — instead, some parts of the application occasionally call the Python interpreter to run some Python code. The embedding version of Python library is 3.9.13(Windows)

  • Julia Script: Julia is a high-level dynamic programming language designed to address the needs of high-performance numerical analysis and computational science, without the typical need of separate compilation to be fast, while also being effective for general-purpose programming. Please, refer to Julia Documentation. The embedding version of Julia library is 0.4.7(Windows) and 1.0.3(Linux)