40.5. MMS Type D Contact

40.5.1. Modeling Options


Figure 40.54 MMS Type D_IO icon of the Spring group in the Toolkit tab

The user can create a contact entity between two MMS Type Ds as follows.

  • Group, Group

    • Group : Selects a MMS Type D as a base spring group.

    • Group : Selects a MMS Type D as an action spring group.

40.5.2. Properties

The property window can be opened like as in Figure 40.55. The user can redefine the inner or outer spring and contact properties in this window. The contact property definition is same as the contact forces between upper helix and lower helix of spring.


Figure 40.55 Contact definitions for MMS Type D in Database Window


Figure 40.56 MMS Type D Contact property page [MMS D-type Inner/outer Contact page]


Figure 40.57 MMS Type D Contact property page [Characteristic page]