
It allows the user to create solid geometries with the region of a solid geometry. Modeling Options

The user can create solid geometries with the inside region of a solid geometry by the following procedure.

  • Solid, WithDialog

    • Solid: Select a solid geometry to use the inside region of it.

    • WithDialog: Check the region to create solid geometries with them.


      Figure 6.99 Regions dialog box


Region function is to search the closed surface in one solid geometry and create the corresponding shape.
For example, Figure 6.100 shows a shape in which a sphere and cone are subtracted in a box. This geometry has a total of three closed surfaces. The first is the outer surface of the box, the second is the outer surface of the sphere, and finally the outer surface of the cone.
Then, applying Region function to Geometry in Figure 6.100, three regions are created as shown in Figure 6.101.

Figure 6.100 Example of Closed Surface Geometry


Figure 6.101 Applying Region Function