Cylinder To Surface

A Cylinder To Surface Contact generates a force between a cylinder and surface. The base surface has a RM and many points. The action cylinder has a RM and its radius and length. The base curve is parameterized from many points and creates a contact curve fitted on a cubic spline.

  • The cylinder and surface must belong to two different bodies.

  • The contact force can be generated with not only linear or exponential but also nonlinear spline characteristics to the contact penetration and its velocity.

  • The base surface is approximated as multi triangular patches as shown in Figure 6.350.


    Figure 6.350 Cylinder and surface Modeling Options

In the case of Cylinder To Surface contact, a cylinder geometry type is supported for an action geometry and surface geometry type is supported for a base geometry when creating.

  • Surface, Cylinder

    • Surface: Selects a surface to define a base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define an action cylinder.

  • Surface, MultiCylinder

    • Surface: Selects a surface to define a base surface.

    • MultiCylinder: Selects some cylinders to define action cylinders.

  • Surface, Cylinder, Surface, Cylinder

    • Surface: Selects a surface to define a base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define an action cylinder.

    • Surface: Selects a surface to define another base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define another action cylinder.

  • MultiSurface, MultiCylinder

    • MultiSurface: Selects some surfaces to define base surfaces.

    • MultiCylinder: Selects some cylinders to define action cylinders.

  • Solid(Shell), Cylinder

    • Solid(Shell): Selects a solid or a shell to define a base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define an action cylinder.

  • Solid(Shell), MultiCylinder

    • Solid(Shell): Selects a solid or a shell to define a base surface.

    • MultiCylinder: Selects some cylinders to define action cylinders.

  • Solid(Shell), Cylinder, Solid(Shell), Cylinder

    • Solid(Shell): Selects a solid or a shell to define a base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define an action cylinder.

    • Solid(Shell): Selects a solid or a shell to define another base surface.

    • Cylinder: Selects a cylinder to define another action cylinder.

    • MultiSolid(Shell), MultiCylinder

    • MultiSolid(Shell): Selects some solid or shells to define base solids.

    • MultiCylinder: Selects some cylinders to define action cylinders. Properties


Figure 6.351 Properties of CylinderToSurface dialog box


Figure 6.352 Preview of the normal directions, contact patches and boundary box

  • Definition of The Base Surface

    • Entity Name: Defines the name of base surface. The base surface can be dispatched from the Working Window by clicking Gr.

    • Normal Direction: Defines the normal direction of a base surface for a contact as shown in Figure 6.352.

      • The contact is available in the specified direction.

      • As selecting Up or Down, the user can change the contact direction of a base surface.

      • If this page is activated, the normal direction is automatically shown on the Working Window

    • Preview Contact Surface: If this button is checked, the patches making the contact surface and its boundary box are shown on the Working Window as shown.

    • Contact Surface: Accesses the Contact Surface dialog box. For more information, click here.

  • Definition of The Action Cylinder

    • Entity Name: Defines the name of action cylinder. The action cylinder can be dispatched from the Working Window by clicking Gr.

    • Radius: Shows the radius of action cylinder.

    • Length: Shows the length of action cylinder.

    • Synchronize with Geometry

      • If this option is checked, Radius and Length in contact properties are automatically defined with that of the specified graphics. (The default is checked)

      • If this option is not checked, the user can modify the contact properties.

  • Force Display: Graphically displays the resultant force vector on the view window.