Bushing Bearing

A Bushing bearing is defined between two bodies. The created position types are five:

  • Engine Block & Shaft Main (EB_SM)

  • Shaft Pin & Connecting Rod (SP_CR)

  • Connecting Rod & Piston Pin (CR_PP)

  • Piston Pin & PisTon (PP_PT)

  • Engine Block & Balancing Shaft (EB_BS)


Figure 32.101 Bushing bearing Modeling Options

  1. Click the Bushing Bearing icon of the Crank Connector group in the Crank tab. The user can see the Crank Component Bearing- Bushing Bearing dialog box.

  2. The user can choose the following types in Component Type and select the position where the bushing bearing is created in Component Index.


    Figure 32.102 Crank Component Bearing - Bushing Bearing dialog

  3. Click OK. Properties

Click right mouse button on Bushing bearing component to choose Properties of Bushing bearing. The user can modify the Properties of BushingEBSM dialog box.


Figure 32.103 Bushing Bering property page

  • Translation and Rotation: Controls the characteristics of bushing bearing.

  • Please refer to the Friction types in below.

    • Standard Friction

    1. Select Friction Coefficient in the combo box.


      Figure 32.104 Coulomb Friction

      • Journal Radius: shaft radius attached bearing inside

    2. Click More and enter the values to define Coulomb Friction. For more information, click here.


      Figure 32.105 Friction Definition dialog

    • Empirical Formula

    1. Select Empirical formula in the combo box.


      Figure 32.106 Empirical formula friction


      Figure 32.107 Journal Radius & Radial Clearance

    2. Click More and enter the values to define Empirical Formula Friction. For more information, click here.


      Figure 32.108 Axial Type Empirical Formula


      Figure 32.109 Radial Type Empirical Formula

Position information of Bushing Bearing

  • Engine Block & Shaft Main (EB-SM)


    Figure 32.110 Position information of Bushing Bearing between Engine Block &Shaft Main

  • Shaft pin & Connecting Rod (SP-CR)


    Figure 32.111 Position information of Bushing Bearing between Shaft Pin & Connecting Rod

  • Connecting Rod & Piston Pin (CR-PP)


    Figure 32.112 Position information of Bushing Bearing between Connecting Rod & Piston Pin

  • Piston Pin & Piston (PP-PT)


    Figure 32.113 Position information of Bushing Bearing between Piston Pin & Piston

  • Engine Block & Balancing Shaft (EB-BS)


    Figure 32.114 Position information of Bushing Bearing between Engine Block & Balancing Shaft