Assembly Clone & Assembly


Figure 42.16 Assembly Clone & Assembly

  • Contact Geometry: Define the contact geometry of the assembly body that is in contact with the passing body.


If a surface or curve is defined in the clone body, it is automatically added to the contact geometry when the assembly page is opened.
So, if the contact geometry is defined as a surface or curve in advance, the assembly process can be greatly reduced.

Figure 42.17 Definition of Contact Geometry dialog box

  • Clone Set: Check to define multi-clone set.


    Figure 42.18 Definition of Clone Set dialog box


    Figure 42.19 Example of Clone Set

  • Y-Axis Direction of Assembly Body: Change the assembly direction by changing the Y-Axis of the assembly body.


    Figure 42.20 Definition of Y-Axis Direction

  • Automatic Calculation of No. of Assembled Bodies: If you click Create Assembly Bodies with the checked this option, the number of assembly bodies is set automatically.

  • No. of Assembled Bodies: Modify the number of Assembled Bodies.

  • Gap: Show a value of gap.

  • Import: Import assembly-related settings including information such as passing body and clone.

  • Export: Export assembly-related settings including information such as passing body and clone.