25.12.1. Speed Sensor

The speed sensor has a mother body, a center position, a direction, and a range.


Figure 25.87 Speed Sensor

First, the sensor finds the closest a segment (or shell element) of sheet from the sensor center position. And a position of the segment (or shell element) is checked whether the position is in the range of sensor. If the position is in the sensor, the velocity of the closest position of the segment (or shell element) is computed and the sensor output is computed. As shown in Figure 25.87, if a sheet body passes to the range of the sensor, the sensor output can be computed from the following equation.


\({{V}_{o}}\): the result of sensor.
\({{V}_{c}}\): the velocity of the closest position of sheet segment (or shell element) in the range of the sensor.
\({{V}_{s}}\): the velocity for the center position of sensor.
\({{f}_{s}}\): the specified direction of the sensor. Modeling Options

The user can create a speed sensor as follows.

  • Point, Direction, Distance

    • Point: Selects a point on a body to define the center of speed sensor.

    • Direction: Defines a direction of speed sensor.

    • Distance: Defines a range of region to measure output.

  • Body, Point, Direction, Distance

    • Body: Selects a body to define the parent body of speed sensor.

    • Point: Selects a point on a body to define the center of speed sensor.

    • Direction: Defines a direction of speed sensor.

    • Distance: Defines a range of region to measure output. Properties

The user can modify properties for the speed sensor such as a position, sensing target entity, and direction using Speed Sensor property page.


Figure 25.88 Speed Sensor property page

  • Mother Body: Defines the body on which the Speed Sensor is fixed.

  • Sensed Entity: Defines the sensed entity by the Speed Sensor of MTT3D.

    • If MTT3DAssembly is set, all sheets defined in the assembly become a sensing target.

    • If a sheet body is set, only the sheet becomes a sensing target.

  • Position: Defines the center point of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Point.

  • Direction: Defines the direction of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Point.

  • Range: Defines the detecting range of Speed Sensor. The user can input this value as the Parametric Value.

  • Color: Allows selecting the graphic color of Speed Sensor.

  • Use Depth Information: Defines the sensing region by using the Normal Direction and Depth. The shape of sensing region is the cylinder type defined by the end point (Position), the radius (Range), the length (Depth), the lengthwise direction (Normal Direction) as shown in Figure 25.89.


    Figure 25.89 sensing region when the Use Depth Information is checked


    Figure 25.90 sensing region when the Use Depth Information is unchecked