43.2.3. ProcessNet Manager Functions Load Assembly

Automatic Load

ProcessNet Manager saves loaded assemblies when it closes and reloads them automatically when it restarts. Therefore, you can manage multiple ProcessNet General projects easily without manually loading the assemblies every time you start ProcessNet General.

Manual Load

You can also load assemblies manually by clicking image6. However, you can load only those assemblies written using the ProcessNet General Project Template. To load a ProcessNet project, you must convert it into a ProcessNet General project.


If you modify a DLL loaded in ProcessNet Manager, select the modified DLL and click ReLoad to reload the assembly and apply the changes. Run ProcessNet Assembly

ProcessNet Manager displays public void functions within the ThisApplication class of the loaded ProcessNet General project so that you can execute them immediately.


Step to run ProcessNet function

  1. Click a function to display its name and the path of the assembly to which it belongs in the text box at the top of the screen. Click image7 to execute the function.

  2. Or, double-click a function to execute it immediately.

  3. If the user wants to hide the Run ProcessNet dialog while the function is running, check the checkbox.


When you execute a function, the Initialize() function in the ThisApplication class is executed before the selected function.
After the selected function is executed, the Dispose() function in the ThisApplication class is executed. In the Initialize() function, write the code that you want to execute before the selected function. In the Dispose() function, write the code that you want to execute after the selected function.


If you check the Hide run dialog when executing ProcessNet function button, the ProcessNet manager is hidden when the PNet function is executed. When the function is finished running, the dialog reappears again. This function is used for screen capture or recording.