2.2.5. Select Toolbar

This supports functions when selecting entities using mouse on the Working Window. The user can change toolbar keyboard shortcut keys. Refer to Customization


Figure 2.50 Select Toolbar

Select State

  • Select

    It is clear already selected entities when selecting new entities using mouse on the Working window. It is possible for only adding or only removing using shortcuts in Select mode without changing Add mode or Remove mode.

    Table 2.7 Keyboard Shortcuts

    Select Operation

    Add or Remove

    Ctrl + Mouse


    Shift + Mouse


    Shift + Ctrl + Mouse

  • Add or Remove: If you select selected entities, it is deselected. And if you select deselected entities, it selects those. The mouse cursor is changed like the below figure.

  • Add: It keeps already selected entities and can only add other entities newly. The mouse cursor is changed like the below figure.

  • Remove: It only deselect selected entities. The mouse cursor is changed like the below figure.

Snap to Entity

It is useful when selecting entities easily using mouse on the Working Window.

  • Snap to Grid: It selects points of the grid.

  • Snap to Geometry: It selects geometric entities included in the geometry when navigating a point.

    • When this function is activated, the user can select all vertices in geometries during navigating a point.

    • When this function is inactivated, the program ignores all vertices in geometries. It is useful when navigating a point like marker or parametric point where there is a lot of cad geometries.

  • Snap to Node: It selects nodes included in the flexible bodies when navigating a point.

    • When this function is activated, the user can select all nodes in flexible bodies during navigating a point.

    • When this function is inactivated, the program ignores all nodes in flexible bodies. It is useful when navigating a point like marker or parametric point where there is a lot of nodes of flexible body.

Select Filter

It is useful when selecting wanted entities only using mouse on the Working Window. It is possible to use this function at the Assembly Mode only.

  • All: It selects all entities when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Body: It selects only bodies when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Group: It selects only groups when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Marker: It selects only markers when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Joint: It selects only joints when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Force: It selects only forces when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Contact: It selects only contacts when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Parametric Point: It selects only parametric points when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

  • Subsystem: It selects only subsystems when clicking and dragging the mouse on the Working Window.

Select Method

The user can select entities as three ways in the creating selection area.

  • Select by Rectangle: To create a box area, pick one point with the mouse left button and drag it to second point holding on the button.

  • Select by Circle: To create a circle area, pick one point with the mouse left button and drag it to second point holding on the button. The first point means center of the circle and distance between first and second point means radius of the circle.

  • Select by Polygon: To create random area, pick multi points with the mouse left button and click Finish Select Operation on the right-click menu at last point. A polygon does not need to satisfy the close loop. RecurDyn automatically generates an additional line that can be connected to the first point and the last point to make the close loop polygon. The number of the connection point cannot have limitation.

Depth Through/Top

The user can choose which part to use of selected entities.

  • Select (Depth Through): All entities in the creating selection area are selected regardless of depth.

  • Select (Depth Top): Entities at the top of the entities in the creating selection area.