Min/Max Option

  • Type: Select a type to Min/Max (Minimum and Maximum) values. (The default is Display.)

    • The Display option shows the Min/Max (Minimum and Maximum) values of selected Contour type in the simulation time.

    • The User defined option allows you to modify the Min/Max value on the Band level in the color legend.

    • The left values are the original values that you cannot change.

    • The right values are the values that you can modify.

  • Calculation: Displays the Min/Max values of a contour type throughout the total simulation time.

  • Min: Displays the minimum value of the selected Contour Type. (The default is 0.)

  • Max: Displays the maximum value of the selected Contour Type. (The default is 0.)

  • Show Min/Max: Displays the position of nodes that have the Min/Max values for the simulation time.