
A beam force is defined on the positive x-axis of a base marker, as shown in Figure 6.267.


Figure 6.267 Base and action markers for the Beam Force Modeling Options

The user can create a force entity as follows.

  • Point, Point

    • Point: Selects a point on a base body. This point defines a location on which the reaction force is applied.

    • Point: Selects a point on an action body. This point defines a location on which the action force is applied.

  • Body, Body, Point, Point

    • Body: Selects a base body of beam force.

    • Body: Selects an action body of beam force.

    • Point: Selects a point on a base body. This point defines a location on which the reaction force is applied.

    • Point: Selects a point on an action body. This point defines a location on which the action force is applied. Properties


Figure 6.268 Beam property page

The forces and torques are defined by Timoshenko beam theory [7] and are applied to the action marker as follows:

\(\begin{aligned} & \left[ \begin{matrix} {{F}_{ax}} \\ {{F}_{ay}} \\ {{F}_{az}} \\ {{T}_{ax}} \\ {{T}_{ay}} \\ {{T}_{az}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]=-\left[ \begin{matrix} {{K}_{11}} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & {{K}_{22}} & 0 & 0 & 0 & {{K}_{26}} \\ 0 & 0 & {{K}_{33}} & 0 & {{K}_{35}} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & {{K}_{44}} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & {{K}_{35}} & 0 & {{K}_{55}} & 0 \\ 0 & {{K}_{26}} & 0 & 0 & 0 & {{K}_{66}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]\left[ \begin{matrix} x-L \\ y \\ z \\ {{\theta }_{ab1}} \\ {{\theta }_{ab2}} \\ {{\theta }_{ab3}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]-\left[ \begin{matrix} {{C}_{11}} & {{C}_{12}} & {{C}_{13}} & {{C}_{14}} & {{C}_{15}} & {{C}_{16}} \\ {{C}_{21}} & {{C}_{22}} & {{C}_{23}} & {{C}_{24}} & {{C}_{25}} & {{C}_{26}} \\ {{C}_{31}} & {{C}_{32}} & {{C}_{33}} & {{C}_{34}} & {{C}_{35}} & {{C}_{36}} \\ {{C}_{41}} & {{C}_{42}} & {{C}_{43}} & {{C}_{44}} & {{C}_{45}} & {{C}_{46}} \\ {{C}_{51}} & {{C}_{52}} & {{C}_{53}} & {{C}_{54}} & {{C}_{55}} & {{C}_{56}} \\ {{C}_{61}} & {{C}_{62}} & {{C}_{63}} & {{C}_{64}} & {{C}_{65}} & {{C}_{66}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]\left[ \begin{matrix} {{V}_{x}} \\ {{V}_{y}} \\ {{V}_{z}} \\ {{\omega }_{ab1}} \\ {{\omega }_{ab2}} \\ {{\omega }_{ab3}} \\ \end{matrix} \right] \\ & \\ & {{F}_{b}}=-{{F}_{a}} \\ & {{T}_{b}}=-{{T}_{a}}-{{d}_{ab}}\times {{F}_{a}} \\ \end{aligned}\)

Where, \({{d}_{ab}}\) is the instantaneous vector from the base marker to the action marker.

The inputs into the equation are defined in the following table:

Matrix of Stiffness Coefficients


The coefficients that determine spring stiffness are calculated as below equations (units are force/length).

\(\begin{aligned} & {{K}_{11}}=\frac{EA}{L},\text{ }{{K}_{22}}=\frac{12E{{I}_{zz}}}{{{L}^{3}}(1+{{P}_{y}})},\text{ }{{K}_{33}}=\frac{12E{{I}_{yy}}}{{{L}^{3}}(1+{{P}_{z}})} \\ & {{K}_{44}}=\frac{G{{I}_{xx}}}{L},\text{ }{{K}_{55}}=\frac{(4+{{P}_{z}})E{{I}_{yy}}}{L(1+{{P}_{z}})},\text{ }{{K}_{66}}=\frac{(4+{{P}_{y}})E{{I}_{zz}}}{L(1+{{P}_{y}})} \\ & {{K}_{26}}=\frac{-6E{{I}_{zz}}}{{{L}^{2}}(1+{{P}_{y}})},\text{ }{{K}_{35}}=\frac{6E{{I}_{yy}}}{{{L}^{2}}(1+{{P}_{z}})} \\ \end{aligned}\)

where, \({{P}_{y}}=\frac{12E{{I}_{zz}}{{A}_{sy}}}{GA{{L}^{2}}},\text{ }{{P}_{z}}=\frac{12E{{I}_{yy}}{{A}_{sz}}}{GA{{L}^{2}}}\)

Undeformed Length


Enter the undeformed length of the beam along the x-axis.

Young’s Modulus


Specify the young’s modulus of elasticity for the beam material (unit is force/length^2).

Shear Modulus


Specify the shear modulus of the beam (unit is force/length^2).

\(G=\frac{E}{2\times (1+v)},\text{ }v:\text{poisson }\!\!'\!\!\text{ s ratio}\)

Moment of Area


Enter the torsional constant

This value is calculated automatically using Beam Library.


Enter the area moments of inertia about the neutral axes of the beam cross sectional areas (y-y and z=z).

These values are calculated automatically using Beam Library.

Shear Area Ratio


Enter the shear area ratio for shear deflection in the y direction for Timoshenko beams.

This value is calculated automatically using Beam Library.


Enter the shear area ratio for shear deflection in the z direction for Timoshenko beams.

This value is calculated automatically using Beam Library.

Area of CrossSection


Enter the uniform area of the beam cross-section geometry.

This value is calculated automatically using Beam Library.

Damping Coefficient (matrix)


Enter the coefficient that determines the damping force given the velocity of the beam end points (units are force-time/length).

If the matrix for structural damping is selected, the upper triangular matrix for the damping should be entered since the damping matrix is symmetric.

\(\left[ \begin{matrix} {{C}_{11}} & {{C}_{12}} & {{C}_{13}} & {{C}_{14}} & {{C}_{15}} & {{C}_{16}} \\ {} & {{C}_{22}} & {{C}_{23}} & {{C}_{24}} & {{C}_{25}} & {{C}_{26}} \\ {} & {} & {{C}_{33}} & {{C}_{34}} & {{C}_{35}} & {{C}_{36}} \\ {} & {} & {} & {{C}_{44}} & {{C}_{45}} & {{C}_{46}} \\ {} & {} & {} & {} & {{C}_{55}} & {{C}_{56}} \\ {} & {} & {} & {} & {} & {{C}_{66}} \\ \end{matrix} \right]\)


The damping coefficient matrix is calculated as

\(c=ratio\times K\)


\(x,y,z,{{\theta }_{ab1}},{{\theta }_{ab2}},{{\theta }_{ab3}}\)

Translational and rotational displacements of the action marker with respect to the base marker


\({{V}_{x}},{{V}_{y}},{{V}_{z}},{{\omega }_{ab1}},{{\omega }_{ab2}},{{\omega }_{ab3}}\)

Translational and rotational velocities of the action marker with respect to the base marker

  • Force Display: Displays the resultant force vector graphically on Working Window.