41.1. GTire Group

Step to create a GTire

  1. Create a GRoad. GTire cannot be used without GRoad. GRoad must exist before creating GTire.

  2. Click the GTire Group icon of the Tire group in the Toolkit tab.

  3. Select a point on the working window and input Direction information and then, a GTire Group entity appears.

  4. Open property of the GTire Group and Select a tire property file(.tir).

  5. Input parameters to perform the tire modeling. The description of each parameter is as follows.

  6. Click R to select the created GRoad and define other settings. If the GRoad does not exist, the user cannot create the GTire. Therefore, the user should create the GRoad first.

  7. Click OK to complete the modeling of the GTire.


The use can perform the Copy (Ctrl+c) function, the Paste
(Ctrl+v) function and can modify the property of GTire for the created GTire. Also, several GTires can be modified at a time by modifying the property of them after selecting the GTire Group.