27.6.1. Modeling Options

The user can create a Track to Surface Contact as follows.

  • TrackAssembly, Surface

    • TrackAssembly: Selects a track assembly to define a base body.

    • Surface: Selects a surface to define an action surface.

  • TrackAssembly, MultiSurface

    • TrackAssembly: Selects a track assembly to define a base body.

    • MultiSurface: Selects some surfaces to define action surfaces.

  • TrackAssembly, Shell

    • TrackAssembly: Selects a track assembly to define a base body.

    • Shell: Selects a shell to define an action surface.

  • TrackAssembly, MultiShell

    • TrackAssembly: Selects a track assembly to define a base body.

    • MultiShell: Selects some shells to define action surfaces. Example for Defining Moving Ground

The user can create a Track model with Road Shell Geometry using importing RecurDyn Road file (*.rdf). There are following two steps.

  1. Import a RecurDyn Road file

    The user can import a RecurDyn Road File in the Body edit mode or the Ground mode.


    Figure 27.72 General icon and Ground icon of the Body group in the Professional tab

    1. Click the General icon or Ground icon of the Body group of Professional tab.

    2. Click the System menu, and then click Import.

    3. Change Files of type as RecurDyn Road Files(*.rdf).

    4. Select a file and click Open.

    5. Road Shell Entity appears under Shells in the Database window as shown in the below figure:


      Figure 27.73 Database window

  2. Create track to surface contact

    1. Click the Track to Surface icon of the Contact group in the Track(HM) tab.


      Figure 27.74 Track to Surface icon of the Contact group in the Track(LM) tab

    2. Select the modeling option to TrackAssembly, Surface (MultiSurface) or TrackAssembly, Shell (MultiShell).


      Figure 27.75 Modeling options

    3. Click the Track Assembly and then click the surface (shell) geometry created.


      Figure 27.76 Creation Track to Surface contact