18.2.3. Result

You can check the result of the Iteration simulation of the TSG.


Figure 18.34 Result dialog box

  • TSG File (*.TSG): Selects “*.TSG” result file by clicking ….

  • Error Rate

    • Plot: User can check the following four Error Rate on each Iteration Number.

      The error for any sensor i at time t can be defined as:

      (18.7)\[{{e}_{i}}\left( t \right)={{T}_{i}}\left( t \right)-{{S}_{i}}\left( t \right)\]

      Where, \({{S}_{i}}(t)\): The signal of sensor i at time t. \({{T}_{i}}(t)\): The target signal for sensor i at time t.

      The average signal \({{S}_{i,average}}\) and average target signal \({{T}_{i,average}}\) for any sensor i can be defined as :

      Where, \(nData\): The number of data for each sensor (=End time x Sampling frequency + 1).

      The root mean square signal \({{S}_{i,RMS}}\), target signal \({{T}_{i,RMS}}\), and error rate \({{e}_{i,RMS,rate}}\) for any sensor i can be defined as:

      (18.10)\[{{e}_{i,RMS,rate}}=\left| \frac{{{S}_{i,RMS}}-{{T}_{i,RMS}}}{{{T}_{i,RMS}}} \right|\]

      From this, the following error terms can be derived:

      Table 18.1 Error Rate

      Error Term





      max(\(\left| {{e}_{i}}({{t}_{d}}) \right|\)) for any \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,nSensors\}\) and \(d\in \{1,\ldots ,nData\}\)


      min(\(\left| {{e}_{i}}({{t}_{d}}) \right|\)) for any \(i\in \{1,\ldots ,nSensors\}\) and \(d\in \{1,\ldots ,nData\}\)



      RMS ErrorRate


      Where, \(n\): The total number of data for all sensors (= Number of sensors x (End time x Sampling Frequency + 1) ).

  • Iteration Number: User can select the Iteration Number.

  • Drive Signal

    • Plot check box in list view

    • Export: User can make a “*.TAI” or “*.CSV” file including the drive signals.

    • Plot: User can see the signal data on the opened scope dialog.

  • Response Signal

    • Plot check box in list view

    • Include Target Signal: If this check box is checked, then the Target signals is added in the plot.

    • Include Error Signal: If this check box is checked, then the error signals (=Target(t) – Sensor(t)) is added in the plot.

    • Plot: User can see the signal data on the opened scope dialog.