Beam Group

To use beam group, outline or spline can be used as a base geometry. These lines are created with several control points. Total mass or density control each body mass and inertia. Modeling Options

The user can create a joint group entity as follows.

  • Multi Point(Outline), WithDialog

    • Multi Point(Outline): Selects some points. To finish selecting points, click the empty space with the right mouse button choose Finish Operation on right-click menu. After finishing, these points are shaped to the outline geometry.

    • WithDialog: The user can define segments of created curve with Segments dialog box.

  • Multi Point(Spline), WithDialog

    • Multi Point (Spline): Selects some points. To finish selecting points, click the empty space with the right mouse button choose Finish Operation on right-click menu. After finishing, these points are shaped to the spline geometry.

    • WithDialog: The user can define segments of created curve with Segments dialog box.

  • Curve, WithDialog

    • Curve: Selects a curve.

    • WithDialog: The user can define segments of created curve with Segments dialog box.


      Figure 6.265 Segments dialog box

      • Use Total Segment: If this option is selected, the user can make approximately equally spaced segments on the curve although there are multiple edges in a curve geometry.

      • No. of Segments: Defines the number of beam force between two continuous control points. Properties


Figure 6.266 Beam Group property page

  • Young’s Modulus: Specify the young’s modulus of elasticity for the beam material. Refer to Beam Force.

  • Shear Modulus: Specify the shear modulus of the beam. Refer to Beam Force.

  • Density: Defines each body for mass and inertia.

  • Total Mass: Defines each body for mass and inertia.

  • Node Thickness: Defines the thickness for each body. The shape of cross section for each body changes depending on the selected type in Beam Library. It applies only graphically.

  • Library: In Beam Group, Beam Library also is supported. Refer to Beam Library.

    • If using Beam Library, total mass or density defined in the above edit box is ignored.

  • Color: Defines the color for each body.

  • Each Render: Selects the rendering mode to be displayed on Working Window when Each Render type is activated on Render Toolbar.

  • Damping: Enter the coefficient that determines the damping force given the velocity of the beam end points. Refer to Beam Force.

  • Update Force Property and Update Body property

    • This option determines beam information can be used as a group or not.

    • With these options, all properties that connected with each option are updated automatically. But if not, keep old data or direct input data even if the library data are changed.

  • Initial Velocity: Defines the initial velocity of all body of beam group. Refer to Body Page.